Leng Xuan saw that Leng Er and the others began to show difficulty, and immediately called out the Chiwu Sword. Immediately afterwards, he held the sword in his hand, raised it high, and stabbed the opponent's tongue with force. The tongue is the softest and most vulnerable part of the body. As the body of the Chiwu Sword stabbed down, a stream of liquid splashed out immediately, staining Leng Xuan's clothes. At the same time, the giant rock ant beast shook its head vigorously and opened its mouth. Leng Xuan still wanted to continue, but at this time, a breath suddenly gushed out from the body of the rock ant beast, directly spraying Leng Xuan and the others. "Palace Master!" Seeing Leng Xuan flying out, Jiang Yao's face suddenly loosened, and he rushed forward with Chang Ming to protect Leng Xuan.

  Leng Xuan glanced at the giant rock ant beast that was about to go mad, and said solemnly: "Fast back!"

   As soon as the three of them backed away, they only heard a roar from the giant rock ant beast. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of rock ant beasts all attacked the Hall of Destiny with great momentum. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help being surprised. When he was fighting those rock ant beasts just now, the shock wave generated washed away all the smells around the Hall of Destiny. At this moment, the Hall of Destiny has lost its only protection.

   Seeing that the group of rock ant beasts were about to rush into the Hall of Destiny, Leng Xuan immediately gave the order to retreat. He knew very well in his heart that the disciples of the Hall of Destiny alone were not the opponents of those rock ant beasts. Although Jiang Yao and Chang Ming, two golden immortals, were there to help each other, they could not wipe out all those rock ant beasts by themselves. What's more, the strength of the giant rock ant beast is still unknown, and he dare not take this risk.

   Hearing his order, the disciples of the Hall of Destiny immediately retreated without any hesitation.

  The crowd galloped all the way and flew for hundreds of miles before leaving the group of rock ant beasts behind. Leng Xuan didn't dare to be careless, for fear that those rock ant beasts would catch up again, so he continued on his way with everyone. They didn't find a place to rest until they were absolutely safe.

   During the rest period, Leng Xuan sent a few disciples of the Hall of Destiny to go back and check the situation, while the others rested in place and waited for the next order. After about half a day, the disciples of the Hall of Destiny returned one after another and brought back some news.

   learned from their mouths that the Temple of Destiny is now in ruins. When the rock ant beasts launched the attack, they destroyed all the buildings of the Hall of Destiny, and none of them were intact. Hearing this news, Leng Xuan couldn't help but sigh, it seems that they have also followed in the footsteps of Tianhuo Palace.

   "Palace Master, what should I do now?" Qian Dong asked. Leng Xuan shook his head, without any idea in his heart.

   After thinking for a moment, he stood up and said, "Qian Dong, send the order, we will divert to Yin Yuan Palace."

   "Going to Yin Yuan Palace?" Jiang Yao on the side said in surprise, "Palace Master, why are you going to Yin Yuan Palace? This is not the time to start a war with them."

"I know." Leng Xuan said, "I'm not going to fight, I'm going to seek cooperation. Come on, two seniors, don't ask any more questions, I have my own measure." Seeing Leng Xuan insist, Jiang Yao and Chang Ming didn't ask any more questions. After a good rest, everyone set off again and went straight to Yin Yuandian.

   Arrived at Yinyuan Hall, it was already half a day later. In the spacious and splendid hall, Leng Xuan sat on the seat and waited quietly.

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