With that loud noise, the sound of 'bang bang' could be heard incessantly. Looking closely, the rock ant beasts that originally surrounded Leng Xuan all fell from mid-air and fell heavily to the ground. However, under Leng Xuan's powerful blow, those rock ant beasts were only injured, and there was no serious problem.

   At this moment, a low roar suddenly entered the ears of everyone. Leng Xuan raised his eyes and saw that the giant rock ant beast standing in the center of the beast group straightened up, and turned his gloomy gaze towards himself. At this moment, after swallowing the bodies of more than a dozen companions, the giant rock ant beast became huge again, reaching a height of nearly 50 meters and a length of more than 100 meters.

   Seeing that the giant rock ant beast locked its target on himself, Leng Xuan only felt a shock in his heart, and a strong sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of his heart.

   Without any hesitation, he turned around and flew backwards. However, as soon as he moved, the giant rock ant beast also moved. Under the urging of Pang Shuo's body, the giant rock ant beast's speed was fast, and in the blink of an eye, it chased behind Leng Xuan.

   I saw its huge teeth open and took a sharp breath. Although it was just a simple action, as it inhaled, the surrounding airflow rushed to its mouth immediately. And ten meters away, Leng Xuan, who was rushing all the way, suddenly felt his body tighten, and a strong suction came, as if something grabbed his body and pulled him back. After holding on for two seconds, Leng Xuan felt his body move backwards uncontrollably. Soon, the distance between him and the giant rock ant beast was less than five meters.

   "Palace Master!" At this moment, Jiang Yao and Chang Ming, who were battling other rock ant beasts, noticed the crisis facing Leng Xuan, and their expressions suddenly changed, and they hurried over, ready to carry out rescue. However, before they could arrive, the giant rock ant beast had already swallowed Leng Xuan.

   "Palace Master!" Seeing this scene, the expressions of the disciples in the Hall of Destiny couldn't help changing greatly.

   "No... he's still fine." Jiang Yao, who had already reached the vicinity, said suddenly. Hearing this, Chang Ming took a closer look and found that the giant rock ant beast's giant teeth were not completely closed, but left a gap. And in that gap, something seemed to be stuck there.

   At this moment, in the mouth of the giant rock ant beast, Leng Xuan's body was lying on the opponent's tongue, his whole body was sticky, and his right hand was stretched between the giant teeth of the rock ant beast. That gap was left through his right hand. This right arm of his is made of celestial meteorite gold, which can be said to be the hardest material in the world. Even under the giant teeth of the rock ant, it was able to keep it intact.

   "Leng Er!" With a thought, Leng Er immediately appeared beside him, raised his hands high, and strongly supported the upper jaw of the rock ant beast, trying to hold its mouth open. However, Leng Er's strength seems to be a little lacking, and he tried several times without success.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately summoned the other two immortal puppets. Under the combined force of Leng Er and the two immortal puppets, the upper jaw of the rock ant beast began to rise gradually. Taking this opportunity, Leng Xuan quickly retracted his right arm. At this moment, the giant rock ant beast felt that something was making trouble in its mouth, so it merged its giant teeth with force, trying to bite the thing in its mouth.

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