Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8206: Yin Yuandian was attacked 2

  Leng Xuan nodded secretly, so it was. It is estimated that the matter of the Great Emperor Tongtian and the Great Emperor Hunyuan made the three kings of the God Realm wary, so they strengthened the control of the Immortal Realm. Since the other party informed the God Realm about the appearance of Emperor Hunyuan, the Yin Yuan Temple was attacked before, and it must have been the work of the God Realm. "I don't know when senior is going to enter God's Domain?" Leng Xuan asked.

The other party replied: "My agreement with God's Domain is a thousand years, and after a thousand years, I can enter God's Domain." Leng Xuan thought for a while, and continued: "In this Immortal Domain, in addition to seniors, there are others. Do other people have an agreement with God's Domain?"

The other party said indifferently: "I don't know, and I don't need to know. Because for me, there is no conflict of interest." Leng Xuan wanted to ask again, but the other party had already said: "Okay, what I said has already been said. Enough is enough, you can leave. If it wasn't for Ruan Lang's sake, I wouldn't have seen you." Hearing this, Leng Xuan had no choice but to resign and leave. When I came out of the wooden house, I saw that Mo Ya was still guarding outside. "How is it, do you understand everything?" Mo Ya said. Leng Xuan nodded and said, "It's almost there." Through the conversation with the senior just now, he already had a bottom line. That senior's responsibility, like a messenger, is simply responsible for information transmission. Therefore, even if the other party has contact with God's Domain, they don't know much.

   Returning to the Hall of Destiny, before Leng Xuan could take his seat, Qian Dong had already rushed over and handed the collected information into his hands. After reading the information, Leng Xuan knew what happened to Yin Yuandian that day. Judging from the collected information, it was a group of mysterious powerhouses who attacked Yin Yuandian. The number of people is not very large, about twenty people. However, although there are only twenty people, all of them are Jinxian cultivation. With the ability to control so many golden immortals, there is no other than God's Domain. "Have you found out the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor?" Leng Xuan asked. "Not yet." Qian Dong said, "I have already sent everyone out. As long as he is still in Immortal Domain, it will be a matter of time to find him."

   "Very good, let me know as soon as you find out his whereabouts, and you can go to work first." However, Qian Dong did not leave, but said: "Palace Master, there is one more thing, Fairy Qin and the others have left."

"Let's go?" Leng Xuan was taken aback. "What did they do?" Qian Dong shook his head and said, "I don't know. After you went to the Tianhuo Palace, they left. But Fairy Qin asked me to tell you, she said. She has something important to do, and she will come back after a while, so you don't have to worry. As for what it is, I asked her, but she wouldn't say it." Leng Xuan replied: "Okay, I know. already."

For more than ten days in a row, the Immortal Realm was peaceful, nothing happened, and the demon emperor was like a flash in the pan. After that attack, he disappeared without any news. Qian Dong launched all the intelligence networks of the Temple of Heaven. , but found no clue. And Qin Qianyu and the others have been away for so long, but they still haven't come back. Taking advantage of nothing to do, Leng Xuan has been practicing hard these days. For him, the improvement of his own strength is the most important thing. However, after more than ten days of cultivation, he suddenly discovered a serious problem. And this problem comes from that mysterious block.

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