Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8205: Yin Yuandian was attacked 1

  Since Mo Ya sent a letter in advance to tell him that things had changed for the better, it meant that he knew something. At the moment, he did not hesitate, and immediately set off for the Tianhuo Palace. Arriving at Tianhuo Palace, after Leng Xuan explained his intention, Mo Ya took Leng Xuan into a room. After closing the door, Mo Ya said: "About that matter, it involves some secrets of the Tianhuo Palace, you must not tell outsiders." Leng Xuan replied: "Palace Mo, don't worry, I won't. Nonsense." Mo Ya nodded and said slowly: "After I came back that day, I went to see a senior, he is the only remaining golden immortal in our Tianhuo Palace."

"My original intention was to ask him to discuss future countermeasures. Who knew that senior told me that he would not have to worry too much, and the Demon Emperor would have someone to deal with." Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but ask: "Who does he mean by 'people'?" Mo Ya said in a low voice, "Listen to that senior, he seems to have some agreement with those people." As he spoke, he pointed to the top of his head. Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood what he meant, "You mean... no, how could he have contact with those people." Mo Ya said, "That's what the senior told me anyway." Leng Xuan thought for a while and asked, "Palace Master Mo, can you let me meet that senior?"

"This..." Mo Ya hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm not sure if that senior will see you, but I can ask." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "That's troublesome." After Mo Ya left, he didn't After a while, he returned to the house again.

   "Palace Master Mo, how is it, did that senior agree?" Leng Xuan asked impatiently. "He has already agreed, come with me." After that, Mo Ya took Leng Xuan out of the house and went straight to the back of the Tianhuo Palace. There was a lush green forest there, Leng Xuan entered the forest, marched all the way, and soon came to the center of the forest. There, a small wooden house was built. "Senior is inside, you can go in directly." Mo Ya said.

  Leng Xuan responded, and then walked to the front of the wooden house. Gently pushing the door open, a fragrant smell came out immediately. The fragrance smells good, and it seems to have a calming effect. Walking into the wooden house, Leng Xuan closed the door and glanced at the house, only to see that the house was empty and no one was there. "Strange, didn't Palace Master Mo say that senior lives here?" Leng Xuan was very puzzled. At this moment, he suddenly noticed something strange, a feeling of being watched. "Are you Leng Xuan?" Suddenly, an old voice appeared in his ears. Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan was startled, and quickly said: "Junior is exactly, I have seen senior."

   "What are you looking for from me?" the voice asked. Leng Xuan said: "Listen to Palace Master Mo, senior has contact with people in the realm of the gods?" The other party replied: "Yes, this is my agreement with the realm of the gods. Although the realm of the gods is the ruler of the fairyland, they also have things they don't know. . And I, the eyes and ears of the God Realm, are responsible for telling them about the major changes that have taken place in the Immortal Realm. As an agreement, their return is to lead me into the God Realm."

   "So... Seniors know about Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian?" Leng Xuan asked. The other party said: "I don't know. Mo Ya also told me about their names. I said that I am only responsible for collecting all the information about the Immortal Realm, and then passing it to the God Realm. I don't care about the rest."

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