Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but look happy, and hurriedly said, "Senior, can you take me there?" Following behind Ju Lingxian, it didn't take long for Leng Xuan to see a lavender mask appearing on the flat ground not far away. Inside the lavender mask, there is a ball of light, suspended in the air, and I don't know what it is. Leng Xuan walked quickly to the lavender mask, then clenched his steel fist and hit the mask directly.

   But hearing a loud 'bang', under his powerful blow, the surface of the lavender mask suddenly burst out with a strong light. Immediately afterwards, an extremely strong force counterattacked from the surface of the mask. Leng Xuan didn't pay attention, his body was immediately knocked out, and he fell heavily to the ground. "You can't even break this small barrier, your strength needs to be strengthened." The giant spirit fairy on the side shook his head, then raised his hand and patted the lavender mask. "Bang!" With a loud noise, the lavender mask disappeared directly into the air. Leng Xuan walked to the spherical light and said, "Senior, then I'll go first."

   "Don't forget what you promised me." Ju Lingxian reminded. Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't forget it." After he finished speaking, he put his hand into the light. Immediately, his entire body trembled, and a splendid light flashed before his eyes. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had returned to the huge stone plate. Turning his head to look around, he shook his head helplessly, with a bitter smile on his lips.

   "Sure enough, I came back late." At this moment, there were more than 110 people on this huge stone plate, which means that the first 100 places have already been occupied. Not only that, among the remaining six candidates, five succeeded in the promotion in the future, while the other one has not appeared until now, and it is estimated that they have not passed the test. At this time, on the high platform, a disciple of the Torch Dragon Hall walked quickly to Xu Ling's side, then lowered his head and whispered a few words in his ear. Not knowing what the man said, a look of surprise flashed across Xu Ling's face, "Is there such a thing?"

Mo Ya, who was sitting next to him, noticed the change in the expression on Xu Ling's face, and couldn't help but ask, "Palace Master Xu, what's wrong?" Xu Ling laughed and said, "Nothing, some of the tests we arranged were simple, but some were very difficult. Difficult, one of the most difficult tests, even Shangxian may not be able to succeed, but..." Hearing him say this, Mo Ya immediately understood what he meant, "But someone broke through?"

   "Yes." Xu Ling nodded and said, "Moreover, what's more interesting is that the man's cultivation level is not yet an immortal, just an ordinary immortal."

   "Oh?" Mo Ya said with a smile, "It's really interesting, I don't know who Hall Master Xu is talking about?" Hearing this, Xu Ling called the disciple of the Candle Dragon Hall beside him and asked. The Candle Dragon Hall disciple immediately pointed his finger at the person on the stone plate, "It's him." Mo Ya turned his head to look, a strange color suddenly appeared on his face, "This kid is here too." He muttered to himself road.

   "Palace Master Xu, I remember you made a rule just now that only the 100 people who pass the test first will be able to advance to the next round of tests, right?" Mo Ya said. Xu Ling replied, "Not bad."

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