Hearing this, Ju Lingxian raised his head and seemed to understand: "You mean..." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "They are all reincarnated, I don't know how they did it, but it is true. Moreover, Tongtian I know the reincarnation of the Great Emperor and the Great Emperor Hunyuan." Ju Lingxian's expression changed, "If this is the case, then the immortal realm in the future will not be peaceful again." After a pause, he turned his head and said: "You just now I said, if I tell you about Emperor Tongtian and Emperor Hunyuan, you will help me escape?" Leng Xuan replied: "Yes, what does the senior want me to do?"

"As you said before, I can't break this space from the inside, so the only way is to try it from the outside. Outside that dragon eyeball, it must have been sealed by the people of God's Domain, as long as the layer is lifted With the seal, I can escape. However, the seal placed by God’s Domain is extremely powerful, and you will definitely not be able to break it with your current strength, so you must use foreign objects to do so.”

"Foreign object?" Leng Xuan asked, "What foreign object?" Ju Lingxian said: "In this immortal realm, there is a great formation called Tianlei Juexian, and that immortal formation was the Great Emperor Tongtian back then. It is located in Taolongzong, and it is a great formation to protect the sect. If you can find that immortal formation, you may be able to use the power of that immortal formation to break the seal of this space." Leng Xuan smiled bitterly: "Tao Longzong has been extinct for so many years, how can I find it?"

"Although Taolongzong is extinct, its old site is still there. I will tell you the address of Taolongzong. You can go there and look for it." Leng Xuan nodded: "This is no problem." Strangely said: "Senior, since this space is used to imprison you, why does it appear here, shouldn't the people of the oracle take good care of it?"

   "How do I know, it's been tens of thousands of years, anything can happen." Giant Spirit Immortal said casually. Leng Xuan nodded secretly and said the same thing, "Senior, you have been in this space for so many years, you should have seen other people enter this space, right?" Ju Lingxian replied: "Of course, but they all I treated me as an ancient fairy beast, trying to subdue me. Hmph... I am a dignified giant spirit fairy, who has leveled the fairyland and fought the gods, how can those little hairs be able to deal with it. As long as they come to trouble me, I will all be taken care of by me. Destroyed. If you didn't mention the names of Great Emperor Tongtian and Great Emperor Hunyuan, then your result would be the same as theirs."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but secretly rejoice, fortunately he asked one more question. "It's over!" Suddenly, he thought of something and patted his forehead hard. I was so fascinated when I heard Ju Lingxian tell the story of the Great Emperor Tongtian just now that I almost forgot that I still had business to do. He came to participate in the Conference of Immortals. After staying in this space for so long, it is estimated that the top 100 places have been taken away by others. Thinking of this, he shook his head dejectedly, it seemed that he was going to live up to Ruan Lang's expectations. Seeing the bitter expression on his face, Ju Lingxian couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

   At the moment, Leng Xuan told about his participation in the test. After listening to it, Ju Lingxian smiled and said: "If you don't say it, I forgot, I know this. Some people came to this space a few days ago, but they didn't come to trouble me, but put something in it. Here. When I saw they weren't here for me, I didn't pay much attention."

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