Leng Xuan said: "The method is definitely no problem."

"That's weird." Wen Xiyuan pondered, and after a while, he said, "The seeds of Baise are very rare. Although we have Baise in Xilan Valley, no one has ever eaten Baise. So I don't know what's going on in this situation. Otherwise, I'll ask the owner of the valley for you later to see if he knows."

   "Then I'll trouble Deacon Wen." Although he said so, Leng Xuan's heart no longer had any hope. As Wen Xiyuan said, no one has ever taken the seeds of Baise, so no one knows what will happen after taking the seeds. Even if you go to Zhao Chen, you probably won't be able to ask. After leaving, Leng Xuan returned to his residence alone.

   In the blink of an eye, another three days passed. During these three days, Leng Xuan has been staying in his room, quietly cultivating, preparing for the upcoming challenge.

   On this day, Leng Xuan had just woken up from his practice when he heard Wen Xiyuan's voice coming from outside the door. He pushed open the door, looked at Wen Xiyuan who was standing at the door, and asked, "Deacon Wen, is there anything?" Wen Xiyuan said, "Friend Leng, the owner of Gu has a request." Hearing this, Leng Xuan's heart moved, Could it be that the person Zhao Chen said has arrived? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked straight to the hall of Xilan Valley.

   came to the hall and saw only Zhao Chen in the hall. "Friend Leng Xian, please take a seat." Zhao Chen greeted warmly and asked his servants to bring tea. Leng Xuan said: "Zhao Guzhu, come to me at this time, but for the challenge?" Zhao Chen replied: "Yes, it is for this matter. The one I told you last time holds another War Heaven Order. The people have arrived and are currently resting in the valley. So, I am going to challenge you in three days. What do you think?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "I have no problem, everything follows the arrangement of the valley owner."

   "Okay, Leng Xianyou, I'm very optimistic about you, don't let me down." Zhao Chen smiled.

   "Three days!" After returning from Zhao Chen, Leng Xuan did not dare to waste time. For three days, he must keep himself in the best condition to meet the challenge of Xilan Valley. When he was with Zhao Chen just now, he wanted to ask about the challenge, but Zhao Chen's tone was very tight, and he didn't say a word. Besides, he didn't even tell him the identity of the other challenger, which made him very curious.

   Three days is very short for Leng Xuan who is cultivating. When this day came, Leng Xuan made preparations early and came to the hall of Xilan Valley. At this time, in the hall, neither Zhao Chen nor Wen Xiyuan came, but Zi Yuan and Zhuo Ming appeared here. "Fairy Zi Yuan, you haven't returned to Bai Garden yet?" He has been in retreat for the past few days and has not seen Zi Yuan. He thought that the other party had already returned to Bai Garden.

"Xi Langu's War Heaven Order has not appeared for many years, and now two War Heaven Orders have appeared in a row. I really want to see what the challenge of the War Heaven Order is like, so I plan to stay for a few more days. Leng Immortal friends will not be unwelcome, right?"

  Leng Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Fairy Ziyuan is joking. I'm not the owner of this place, how dare I say the word 'welcome'. However, I'm very happy that Fairy Ziyuan can stay."

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