"Okay." After watching Leng Xuan leave, Wen Xiyuan also returned to his room alone. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a middle-aged man sitting by the round table in the room, sipping tea there. Seeing Wen Xiyuan coming back, a smile suddenly appeared on the middle-aged man's face, "How is it, he didn't disappoint you, did he?"

Wen Xiyuan smiled and said: "I have to say, your vision is really good. I don't know what method he used, but he took all the three seeds of Baise Flower. If the old valley owner knows, I'm afraid I will feel distressed. It's been a while. By the way, third brother, do you know where he got that War Heaven Order?" The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Of course I know, but I can't say it now. Actually, I didn't expect it. , his old man will give him the War Heaven Order."

   "Why, don't you think he won't succeed?" Wen Xiyuan asked. The middle-aged man said: "Although his strength is good, his cultivation is a little lower after all, and the challenge of Xi Langu... I won't say it, you know it, even the two of us, not to mention 100% I'm sure, not even fifty percent sure." Wen Xiyuan nodded, "That's true. However, with the help of those two seeds, his cultivation should improve a bit."

   At this moment, Leng Xuan was sitting cross-legged on his bed, studying the two golden seeds in his hands. He was able to get those seeds, mainly with the help of Xiaobao. In the beginning, he did fail. Originally he was about to give up, but Xiaobao told him through his mind and asked him to try again. Thinking that Little Treasure is a nine-colored holy lotus, and a rare spirit treasure, maybe there is a connection between them. So, he tried again.

  Unexpectedly, Xiaobao did not disappoint him. I don't know how it persuaded the Baise Flower. In short, he easily got the three seeds without any effort.

   Thinking of Wen Xiyuan's previous tip, Leng Xuan carefully put one of the golden seeds into his mouth. As soon as the golden seed entered, it immediately turned into a liquid and slowly flowed down his throat into his stomach.

   However, after taking the golden seeds, there was no reaction for half a day. "Could it be that the dose is too small?" Thinking of this, he took another golden seed together. However, after a long while, there was still no reaction in the body. "How could this be?" he muttered to himself. Wen Xiyuan said that these two golden seeds can completely raise his cultivation to a new level, but now there is no change at all. Unwilling to give up, he continued to wait for a while. In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed. Feeling the change in his body that hasn't appeared for a long time, Leng Xuan couldn't help but let out a wry smile. This is good, two seeds were wasted in vain.

   After thinking for a while, he immediately got up and walked out of the room, ready to go to Wen Xiyuan to ask clearly, maybe there was a problem with the way he took it. Coming to Wen Xiyuan's room, he knocked lightly on the door. After getting the other party's response, he pushed the door and walked in. "Deacon Wen, I'm sorry to bother you." Wen Xiyuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm just idle. Friends Leng Xian, do you have anything to do with me?"

  Leng Xuan nodded, and then shared his experience just now. After listening to it, Wen Xiyuan said with a look of surprise: "Is there such a thing? It doesn't exist. Once the seeds of Baise Flowers are taken, they will take effect immediately.

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