Seeing Chiwu's actions, the old man immediately called out, "Junior Brother, stop it."

   Hearing this, the old beggar turned his eyes and turned to Leng Xuan not far away. Leng Xuan knew what he meant, but when he tried to connect with Chiwu through his mind, he found that the connection between himself and Chiwu was blocked by a strange force. In desperation, he had no choice but to spread his hands to the old beggar, expressing that he was powerless. Time passed, and the foreheads of the old beggar and the old man were covered with sweat. At this time, the dark purple flame was swallowed by Chiwu, and it had become only a quarter of its original size.

   By swallowing the dark purple flame, Chiwu's body color also began to change to dark purple. Half an hour later, as the last dark purple flame in the air was swallowed by Chiwu, the old beggar and the old man slowly fell to the ground, wiping the sweat on their faces. After Chiwu absorbed the dark purple flame, he immediately flew back to the Chiwu Sword. Leng Xuan made a move, and the Chiwu Sword returned to his hand.

   "Hand over the sword." Leng Xuan was about to put away the Chiwu sword, but saw the old man appear in front of him, begging him for the Chiwu sword. Leng Xuan didn't even think about it, just put the Chiwu Sword away. Just kidding, this Chiwu sword has been with him for so long, how can it be handed over when it is said to be handed over. Seeing that Leng Xuan refused to hand the sword, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and a powerful momentum rushed towards Leng Xuan.

   At that moment, Leng Xuan felt like he was about to suffocate. However, that momentum came and went quickly. As soon as the old beggar moved, he appeared between the old man and Leng Xuan, resisting all the momentum.

"Senior brother, he was brought by me. If you are looking for trouble, even if you come at me, why bother with him." Hearing this, the old man's aura immediately retracted and returned to his previous lukewarmness again. Not fire demeanor. He sighed lightly and said, "Junior Brother, you don't know what that flame means to our Heavenly Fire Palace."

   "I know." The old beggar nodded.

   "Now that you know, you should ask him to return the flame."

"Senior brother, you have seen what happened just now. He didn't do it on purpose, so I can't blame him for this. As for the sword... I said before that this visit to the Heavenly Fire Palace is about his life, so he is more concerned about his life. It is impossible to give that sword to you."

The old man shook his head and sighed: "If I could be the master, I wouldn't blame him. But you must be clear, although I am the master of the palace, the Tianhuo Palace is not something I can make alone. Once the elders investigate the matter, let alone the sword, he can't even save his life."

The old beggar was unmoved, "I still said that, that sword will never be handed over. If Tianhuo Palace wants to make trouble, put this account on my head. As for those elders, hmph, If they dare to take action on this kid, I will let them go."

"You..." The old man shook his head helplessly, "After so many years, your temper hasn't changed at all. That's all, let him keep that sword for now. However, you must stay in the Heavenly Fire Palace these few days, you must not Feel free to go out. I must discuss with the elders about the flame. If there is a result, I will inform you."

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