"After you were expelled from the division back then, you said that you would never return to the Heavenly Fire Palace." The old man said slowly, "So, you have to give me a reason, a reason to come back."

   "This matter is related to the life of my disciple and grandson, so I want to borrow some flames from you, you won't be so stingy." Hearing this, the old man suddenly laughed, laughing happily. Seeing this, the old beggar frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

The old man smiled and said, "Of course I'm laughing at you. Time really can change everything. You were indifferent back then, but now you have learned to care about others. It's rare! It's rare!" I don't need to pursue it, but you must promise me one thing." The old beggar asked, "What's the matter?"

   "You..." Just as the old man was about to speak, he heard a loud bang from behind the copper door. Hearing the sudden sound, the old man's complexion suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "This is impossible."

   "What's wrong?" the old beggar asked in confusion. "You've been in the Tianhuo Palace for so many years, don't you know what's wrong?" The old man stopped talking and rushed straight to the copper door. The old beggar recalled what the old man said just now, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes, "No way..." Thinking of what might have happened, he lost his calmness and quickly followed behind the old man.

   At this moment, in the hall where Leng Xuan was, Leng Xuan was clinging to the wall, watching the changes in the sky above the hall, his face was full of horror. Just now, Chiwu was absorbing the surrounding flames. Everything was fine originally, but at this moment, the ground of the hall suddenly cracked, and a dark purple flame rose. After the dark purple flame appeared, it immediately absorbed the surrounding flames, leaving nothing to Chiwu. The unwilling Chiwu directly locked the target on the dark purple flame. Even Leng Xuan could see that the dark purple flame had such a powerful ability that it was definitely not an ordinary flame.

   However, when Chiwu and the dark purple flame were entangled, Leng Xuan was horrified to find that Chiwu not only failed to absorb the dark purple flame, but was absorbed by the other party. At this time, Chiwu was struggling to resist. Although Leng Xuan was willing to help, the power emanating from that dark purple flame was so terrifying that he did not dare to approach it. Just when he was at a loss, the copper door was rushed open from the outside. Looking at the old beggar and an unfamiliar old man who rushed in, Leng Xuan hurriedly called out, "Senior beggar." However, the old beggar didn't pay any attention to him, but turned his attention to the dark purple flame in the air.

   "It really is." The old beggar's face sank, and a worried look appeared between his brows, "Brother, what should I do?" He turned his head and asked the old man beside him.

   "Suppress it." As soon as the old man finished speaking, he immediately flew towards the dark purple flame. Seeing this, the old beggar quickly followed without any hesitation. The two stood on either side of the dark purple flame, one on the left and one on the right, urging the power of the source to suppress the dark purple flame together. With the cooperation of the two, the dark purple flame was quickly compressed into a small ball.

   Not only that, but Chiwu, who had been passive, began to counterattack gradually, bit by bit swallowing the dark purple flame.

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