"I've researched it. To get rid of the ghost fire on him, there is only one way to fight fire with fire." Leng Xuan asked blankly, "What do you mean?" Yuezhu explained: "The ability of ghost fire not only Strange, and very powerful. In addition, the ghost fire has a characteristic, if it is attacked, it will automatically defend. If we force the destruction and remove it from you, it is likely to cause a backlash."

"Backlash?" The old beggar frowned, "Is it very troublesome?" Yuezhu nodded and said, "It's not just trouble, but very troublesome. The backlash I'm talking about is self-destruction. Once the ghost fire explodes, he will definitely suffer. It will spread. With his cultivation, he will surely die under the self-destruction power of the ghost fire. However, nothing is perfect, and everything has weaknesses, and the same is true of the ghost fire. Although the ghost fire is powerful, it is only a A fire."

"We can use another kind of flame to neutralize the ghost fire, in other words, suppress the ghost fire so that its power cannot be exerted. However, to do this, we must find a flame , and this flame must be under his absolute control." Speaking of which, she pointed to Leng Xuan. "Is it a flame?" Leng Xuan thought about it for a while, and a light flashed in his mind, "Senior Yuezhu, I have the kind of flame you mentioned."

   "Oh?" Yuezhu said in surprise, "What kind of flame, show me." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately summoned his own fire of the Nine Suns. Yuezhu looked at it and shook her head in disappointment, "Although this flame is good, it is too weak, and it is not on the same level as the ghost fire." Leng Xuan scratched his head and immediately gave the Chiwu Sword to called out. As soon as his mind moved, a hot flame immediately emerged from the sword of Chiwujian.

   "How about this?" Leng Xuan asked. "This fire..." Feeling the flames emerging from the Chiwu Sword, Yuezhu's face was slightly moved, "Why is this flame a bit like the fire of the Vermillion Bird?"

Leng Xuan smiled and nodded: "This is the fire of the Suzaku, but it is not the authentic Suzaku fire, it just inherited a little Suzaku's blood." Yuezhu slowly said: "It turns out to be like this, no wonder. If it is the authentic Suzaku. You can really try it. However, as you said just now, this is not the authentic Suzaku fire, and it may be a little worse than the ghost fire in terms of power." The old beggar asked: "Do you have anything? good idea?"

  Yuezhu thought for a while and said, "Although this is not the authentic Suzaku fire, it is not a big problem. As long as we strengthen the power of this flame, we may be able to suppress the ghost fire in his body."

"Strengthen?" Hearing these two words, Leng Xuan couldn't help but ask: "How to strengthen it?" Yuezhu said: "It's very simple, let it devour other flames, the more species it devours, the more it can evolve. After any flame reaches its extreme, changes will occur." Leng Xuan smiled bitterly: "This is also called simple? Why do I feel that this is an impossible task."

"You can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it." Having said that, Yuezhu turned her attention to the old beggar, "You brought the person, you can handle it yourself." The old beggar immediately shook his head and said, "No, You should be very clear that I will not go back to that place."

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