"Follow me." Following Yuezhu, Leng Xuan and the old beggar came to an adjacent bamboo house. As soon as he entered the door, Leng Xuan saw that the whole room was full of water tanks, and the liquid in each tank was different, either transparent or colorful. Yuezhu walked to one of the water tanks with transparent liquid and said, "Put your hand in." Leng Xuan put his right hand into the transparent liquid according to his words. Suddenly, a biting cold poured into his right hand through his skin. At the same time, he was surprised to find that after entering the water, his right hand immediately changed shape, like a raging flame, burning in the water.

"This is..." Seeing the flames, the old beggar's heart moved, and before he could finish speaking, Yuezhu had already answered: "This is the ghost fire. Yan Ping's body is a fairy beast, and the ghost fire is It is its special ability. The ghost fire is a very special and powerful flame, its ability is very similar to that of the phoenix. The fire of the phoenix can be reborn, and the ghost fire can regenerate all dead creatures. However, this rebirth is not In the true sense of rebirth, the life reborn by the ghost fire will become a puppet with only the body and no soul, and thus be controlled by Yan Ping. His right hand is condensed from the ghost fire. ."

   "Then do you have a solution?" the old beggar asked.

  Yuezhu shook his head, "I'm not sure yet, the ghost fire is very strange, I have to study it carefully. If you are all right, you might as well stay here first."

   "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

   For the next few days, Leng Xuan lived here peacefully. From the mouth of the old beggar, he learned a lot about the moon candle. It turns out that Yuezhu is also a fairy who used to live in the fairyland. But later, because some of Yuezhu's methods violated the rules of Xianyu, he was expelled from Xianyu. Since then, Yuezhu has made a home in this green forest. According to the old beggar, Yuezhu's most powerful ability is to make puppets. The **** they saw when they came was a fairy puppet refined by Yuezhu. The strength of this puppet is not much worse than that of ordinary immortals.

   After knowing Yuezhu's ability, Leng Xuan couldn't help but have an idea in his mind. For a long time, Leng Er's cultivation base has been stagnant, and now with the help of the power of God's Armament, he can at most fight against ordinary semi-immortal powerhouses. However, in his current situation, Leng Er's strength can no longer provide any help. Therefore, he hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to further enhance Leng Er's strength.

   However, I heard the old beggar say that if you ask Yuezhu to do errands, you must pay her a satisfactory reward, and he doesn't seem to have anything valuable on his body.

After staying for five days, Leng Xuan couldn't help finding the old beggar and asked, "Senior beggar, it's been so long, why is there no movement from senior Yuezhu." The old beggar smiled and said, "What's the hurry, since she agreed If you take action, you will naturally do your best. Besides, do you think your problem is so easy to solve?" Hearing this, Leng Xuan didn't have much to say, so he had to go back to the room and wait quietly.

   After two more days, the impatient Leng Xuan was finally summoned by Yuezhu. In the spacious and elegant bamboo house, Leng Xuan, the old beggar and Yuezhu sat on the seats and listened to Yuezhu's narration.

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