(There is a confusion in this chapter, and it should be connected to the Great Emperor 1. But I don't have the permission to modify it, so let's go back and look at it) "I understand, no matter when you want to solve him, I can do it for you." Hearing this, the demon emperor smiled slightly. , asked: "Is there any news about him?" The mysterious voice replied: "No, he has not shown up for so many years. I guess, his soul has been completely destroyed." The demon emperor shook his head and said. : "Impossible. We all know who he is. Even I can survive, let alone him."

Having said that, he turned his head and said: "Do those guys in God's Domain have any movement?" The other party said: "I don't know. Thousands of years ago, they discovered my existence and imprisoned me here. There are not too many people under control, and their status is not high, so they cannot obtain advanced information. Great Emperor, what plan do you have next?" The demon emperor thought for a while, and said: "For now, I will hold my army and don't move. With my current state, I can't Fight with those people in God's Domain. You stay here with peace of mind, and if the time comes, I will inform you." The mysterious voice replied respectfully, "Yes, Great Emperor."

   After staying in Feixian Valley for a few days, Leng Xuan has been restless. Since seeing the mutation in his right hand that day, he has become worried. Although the right hand that the mysterious person gave him helped him solve a lot of troubles, he also knew very well that this right hand was not under his control at all. As long as the other party wants to, he can notify the right hand to control himself at any time, which is undoubtedly a potential threat to his safety.

   Therefore, until this problem was solved, he could never settle down. Looking at his right hand, Leng Xuan sat there blankly, frowning in thought. After thinking for a long time, he gritted his steel teeth and stretched out his hand. Suddenly, the light flashed, and the Chiwu Sword appeared in his hand. Holding the Chiwu Sword, stretched out his right hand, and then holding the Chiwu Sword in his left hand, slowly raised it. Immediately afterwards, his heart was ruthless, and he directly swung the Chiwu sword and slashed towards his right hand. However, when the blade touched the skin of his right hand, a dazzling blood light suddenly burst out from the right hand, forming an extremely strong force that bounced the Chiwu Sword back.

  Leng Xuan did not expect this to happen, and the Chiwu Sword in his hand was almost thrown out. Putting away the Chiwu Sword, Leng Xuan frowned, and the unease in his heart became stronger and stronger. This right hand will protect itself, obviously beyond his expectations. He gave a wry smile. Now he can't get rid of it if he wants to. It seems that he has to find another way.

   Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and Zhao Yan walked in from the outside. Seeing her coming, Leng Xuan quickly put down the sleeve of his right hand, stood up and asked, "Why did you come here?"

   "My master invites you to come over." Zhao Yan said. Hearing this, Leng Xuan responded and immediately followed her out of the room. Walking on the road, he asked, "What is the matter with Guzhu Song looking for me?" Zhao Yan shook her head and said, "I don't know, Master didn't tell me." Outside the hall, Zhao Yan stopped her steps and said, "You Come in, Master and Senior Shi are inside." Leng Xuan asked strangely, "You're not going in?" Zhao Yan said, "Master only lets you go alone."

   Walking into the hall, Leng Xuan saw that Shi Weitian and Song Qianan were sitting on the seats, whispering something, and their faces were not very good.

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