"I don't have any purpose, I just came to see and see the half-immortal realm and the immortal realm." The demon emperor said casually. Leng Xuan frowned, "I don't believe it." The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, then I can't do anything about it." After a pause, he continued, "I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I There is no crazy idea of ​​unifying the Immortal Domain." Leng Xuan asked: "What is your relationship with Emperor Hunyuan?"

   Hearing this, the Demon Emperor looked at Leng Xuan with a little surprise, and said, "You know the Great Emperor Hunyuan?" Leng Xuan did not reply, but looked at him quietly, waiting for his answer. "Emperor Hunyuan... He does have a little relationship with me. However, this relationship can be ignored for me, so you don't need to know." Hearing this, Leng Xuan wanted to ask again, but saw the demon emperor. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, I should go."

   "Go? Where are you going?"

   "Of course it's where I should go. Leng Xuan, it's a pleasure to see you again, and we'll meet again." The voice fell, and the demon emperor showed his body and walked away.

  Leng Xuan frowned as he looked at the Demon Emperor who was quickly in sight. For some reason, he always had a bad feeling in his heart. "Maybe I'm thinking too much." He rubbed his eyebrows and thought to himself. After all, this is a half-immortal realm, not an exotic realm of self-cultivation. Here, strong people abound, and no matter how strong the demon emperor is, there is no advantage here. Thinking of this, his heart began to feel better.

   It's been a day since I returned to Feixian Valley again. Feixiangu was still the same. After Leng Xuan came back, he first went to see Zhao Yan before returning to his room. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Leng Xuan tried to communicate with the mysterious voice, but all his connections were lost, and there was no response at all. Just when he was strange, a strange feeling suddenly rushed through his body.

   Before he could react, a violent tremor came from his right hand. He turned his head to look, and saw that his right hand was extremely blood red. Moreover, his right hand is gradually shrinking. Not only that, the bright blood-red color was spreading rapidly to his body like poison. As long as it was covered with blood red, all of them lost consciousness.

   "How could this be?" He was terrified. Seeing the blood red extending towards his head, a sense of despair and powerlessness suddenly emerged in his heart. However, when the blood red spread to his neck, he suddenly retreated. After a while, the blood red all returned to his right hand. At the same time, his shrunken right hand gradually returned to its original shape. After moving his body and confirming that there was nothing unusual about his body, Leng Xuan was relieved. However, the mutation just now still made his heart palpitate.


   "Why didn't you kill him?" In a bottomless crack, a low voice sounded slowly.

   And after this voice finished speaking, another voice also sounded: "Why did you kill him?" If Leng Xuan was here at this moment, he would definitely hear these two voices. One of the voices was the mysterious voice that had been ringing in his mind. The other voice was the Demon Emperor.

   At this time, in the crack, the demon emperor stood with his hands behind his back, standing in a crack, looking at a flash of blood in front of him, and said indifferently: "He still has some use for me."

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