Immediately afterwards, his right hand turned blood red again. Not only that, the blood red is spreading rapidly to the whole body along his right hand. As his body all turned blood red, the only trace of sanity left in his mind also dissipated, and the whole body poured out a great power without casting, which was very terrifying. Shi Weitian, who was standing not far away, saw Leng Xuan's change, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes. He could feel that Leng Xuan had completely changed at this time. This change is not just external, but from the inside out, everything has changed. Leng Xuan at this moment, even if he just glanced at him, he could feel the icy coldness on his body, like the cold wind in winter, which made people feel extremely cold.

   Taking a step forward, Leng Xuan raised his head, his red eyes staring at the middle-aged man standing in the air. At this time, the middle-aged man also felt Leng Xuan's abnormality. He frowned slightly and put pressure on Leng Xuan again.

   However, in the face of that powerful pressure, Leng Xuan's actions were not affected at all. Judging from the indifferent expression on his face, that pressure does not seem to exist. "It's interesting." The middle-aged man sneered, then raised his right hand and patted Leng Xuan in the air. In an instant, everyone present felt a terrifying pressure swept over like a wave. Without waiting for them to react, they only heard a muffled 'bang', and on the ground where Leng Xuan was standing, a large pit with five-finger fingerprints appeared. However, what surprised everyone was that Leng Xuan was standing in the five-fingered pit unharmed.

"Impossible!" Even the middle-aged man was surprised by such a result. "This is impossible!" There is an insurmountable gap between the half-immortal and the immortal. No matter how strong the half-immortal is, it is impossible. It is the opponent of the fairy. However, no matter how unbelievable he was, the fact was in front of his eyes. Under his attack, Leng Xuan didn't do anything, he didn't even move. "Who are you?" he asked aloud.

   "Leng Xuan." The voice fell, and the ring on Leng Xuan's right wrist suddenly burst into a faint light. Although the light was very faint, with the urging of the ring, the pressure brought by the powerful momentum immediately disappeared above everyone's heads. Not only everyone present, but even the middle-aged man felt this subtle change. At this moment, his expression finally changed. Throughout the ages, no half-immortal has ever been able to break through the imposing manner of an immortal. "This kid must die." The cold light in his eyes flashed, and he secretly said in his heart. There are too many things on Leng Xuan's body that he can't see clearly. Such strange and mysterious people are absolutely not allowed to exist in Xianyu.

   This rule has existed since the beginning of Xianyu. No one knows who made this rule, but no one has ever dared to violate this rule. Because of this rule, Xianyu did not know how many people died.

  Thinking of this, he raised his hand again. Immediately, with him as the center, a huge vortex gradually formed, and the surrounding spiritual energy poured into the vortex frantically. In a short while, around him, there appeared one after another splendid colorful light. Looking at the gradually expanding colorful light, Leng Xuan raised his head, but still did not move. However, the ring on his right wrist trembled slightly.

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