"Looking for death!" Seeing Zhao Yan's behavior, Ye Yang and You Ziming sneered, with a hint of sarcasm in their eyes.

   Although in the semi-immortal realm, the spiritual realm cultivation base is the top powerhouse. But in front of a real immortal, a spiritual powerhouse is simply not enough to see. It is no longer a matter of quantity, but two completely different realms.

   "Let him go." Zhao Yan bit her lip and looked at the middle-aged man with a pleading tone. However, the middle-aged man didn't even look at her, just spit out the word 'go away'. Seeing this, Zhao Yan no longer hesitated and threw the five golden needles out of her hands. Facing the rapidly approaching five golden needles, the middle-aged man didn't even turn his eyes. When the five golden needles were about to stab the middle-aged man, a strange scene appeared.

  I saw that the speed of the five golden needles suddenly stopped, and then suspended in the air out of thin air, motionless, as if they were still. After that, the middle-aged man didn't see any movement, the five golden needles actually turned around and aimed at Zhao Yan. Seeing the five golden needles attacking her, Zhao Yan's expression couldn't help changing, and her hands quickly formed a seal in an attempt to control the five golden needles. However, she found desperately that the five golden needles were not under her control at all, but were controlled by another powerful force. Not only that, the attack power of the five golden needles was several times stronger than what she had just displayed.

   At this moment, Zhao Yan's figure flashed, trying to avoid the attack of the five golden needles. However, the five gold needles seemed to have eyes, and could accurately capture her position. Zhao Yan wanted to make another transfer, but at this time, the five golden needles had already caught up with her speed. "Girl, be careful!" Looking at the golden needle that was less than two meters away from Zhao Yan, the injured Song Qi'an shouted, and his face became extremely pale.

   "It's over..." Shi Weitian stared blankly in the air and slowly closed his eyes. A scream rang out, not as everyone expected, Zhao Yan could not dodge the attack of the five golden needles. Seeing that Zhao Yan was about to fall from the sky to the ground, Leng Xuan and Shi Weitian wanted to rescue people, but under the enormous pressure, they were struggling to move their fingers, let alone rescue people.

   "Bang!" With a loud noise, Zhao Yan's body fell heavily to the ground. "Girl..." Song Qi'an let out a sad cry, her body seemed to have lost all strength and fell to the ground.

   "Why...why..." Looking at Zhao Yan lying on the ground, motionless, Leng Xuan couldn't help closing his eyes. Two lines of tears slowly flowed down the corners of his eyes.

   "It's your turn." Hearing the cold voice of the middle-aged man coming from the air, Leng Xuan's eyes suddenly opened. At this moment, in his eyes, a crimson color, except for the monstrous killing intent, all emotions were abandoned by him.

"I know you're here, no matter how much you want me to pay, I'll agree. I only have one request, let him die... I want him to die!" Leng Xuan clenched his fists tightly, and one after another cold words came from Spit out one by one. When the last word "death" was spit out from his mouth, his expression had become extremely ferocious, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually became crazy. "No problem..." In a trance, Leng Xuan seemed to hear the mysterious and flat voice's response.

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