Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 7997: Snow Valley World War 11

   "Elder!" Seeing Yuan Chengfang's dazed look, Yanchuan's expression changed slightly, and he reminded him again. However, as soon as his reminder came out, Leng Xuan's steel fist had already landed on Yuan Chengfang's body like lightning. Without any sound, Leng Xuan's steel fist was like a sharp blade, penetrating directly through Yuan Chengfang's body. Under the stimulation of severe pain, Yuan Chengfang's dazed eyes finally regained some clarity. Seeing the blood hole opened in his chest, his face suddenly showed a hint of horror and fear, "You..." He wanted to say something, but, before his words were spoken, the blood on his face was already exhausted. Withdrew, along with the breath of life disappeared.

   Looking at the dead Yuan Chengfang, Leng Xuan slowly pulled out his steel fist. After his fist was drawn, the blood hole on Yuan Chengfang's body became more and more conspicuous. However, not a single drop of blood came out from such a big wound. On the other hand, Leng Xuan's right hand became more and more blood red, as if he had absorbed enough blood.

   Yuan Chengfang's death shocked everyone. No one thought that Leng Xuan would kill Yuan Chengfang with one move. Even Shiweitian and the others looked at Leng Xuan in surprise.

   resolved Yuan Chengfang, and Leng Xuan's blood-red eyes immediately turned to Yanchuan. Feeling the murderous intent in those **** eyes, Yanchuan couldn't help swallowing, and his body backed away unconsciously. If it was before, he was not afraid of Leng Xuan. But at this moment, after seeing Leng Xuan's formidable and terrifying strength, his courage has been flattened. Even Yuan Chengfang was no match, let alone him. Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, and immediately turned around and ran away.

   Looking at Yanchuan fleeing, Leng Xuan didn't move, just raised his right hand. Immediately, he saw his right hand stretched dozens of meters like a rubber and grabbed towards Yanchuan. Yan Chuan, who was only focused on escaping, didn't expect the changes behind him. He only felt his right shoulder tighten, as if he was caught by something. When he turned his head to look, a distance suddenly came, pulling his forward figure back.

  Frightened, he turned his head quickly, just in time to see Leng Xuan's blood-red eyes.

   For a while, Yanchuan's mind became blank just like Yuan Chengfang just now. When he woke up again, Leng Xuan's right hand had penetrated his body. Feeling the blood rapidly draining from his body, the fear on his face was frozen at that moment. Throwing away Yanchuan's body, Leng Xuan tapped his toes and ran straight towards You Ziming and Ye Yang.

   Seeing Leng Xuan approaching, the expressions of You Ziming and Ye Yang couldn't help changing. The deaths of Yuan Chengfang and Yanchuan were obvious to all. Whether it is Yuan Chengfang or Yanchuan, both of them are strong in the spiritual realm. The most important thing is that they each have a pseudo-immortal weapon. However, even so, the two did not hold on to even a single move in Leng Xuan's hands. Such a powerful strength shocked the two of them.

   Therefore, seeing Leng Xuan coming here, the two of them gave up the fight and flew out of the valley.

   "Where to go!" Seeing that the two of them were going to escape, how could Zhao Yan let them succeed. She was already furious that her master was hurt like this by them. With a flick of his wrist, the five golden needles shot out immediately.

   Immediately, the five golden needles turned into two, two into four, four into eight... In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of gold needles covered the sky.

   (recommend a friend's cool article "Eternal God", author: Dufeng deity)

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