Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 7996: Snow Valley World War 10

   "Leng Xuan, hurry up and hand over your things, I will spare you not to die." Yuan Chengfang looked at Leng Xuan and said. "Forgive me not to die? Are you sure you are qualified to say this?" Leng Xuan stood up and looked up at Yuan Chengfang and Yanchuan in midair, "You attacked Feixiangu aggressively and hurt my friends, I won't kill you today, I Leng Xuan is your surname!" As soon as he finished speaking, he stopped talking, but took out a wine bottle from his arms and poured all the wine inside into his mouth.

   This is the last bottle of Heavenly Fire refined by Song Yuanan. As the sky fire burned the entrance, Leng Xuan only felt that the blood in his whole body was on fire, the force of the original source was surging wildly in his dantian, and he was eager to find a vent. Taking a deep breath, he looked down at his right hand and said to himself, "If you can hear me, help me this time, and I will grant you whatever you ask in the future."

The    right hand trembled slightly as if it heard his words, as if it was responding to him. Immediately afterwards, Leng Xuan only felt his right hand tighten suddenly, muscles protruding one by one like an explosion.

   In a short while, his right hand became extremely strange, and a blood red gleamed from his skin, like the sharp claws of an alien beast, hideous and bloody. At the same time, a tyrannical consciousness poured into his mind, suppressing his sanity. At this moment, his eyes became extremely blood red, except for Sen Ran's murderous intent, there was no other emotion.

   "Kill!" The word "Kill!" was uttered, Leng Xuan pointed his toes, his body like a cannonball out of his chamber, and quickly charged towards Yuan Chengfang in midair. "Get out of here!" Seeing Leng Xuan's attack, Yuan Chengfang immediately urged the Thunder Punishment Staff in his hand and struck him fiercely. Looking at the rapidly approaching Thunder Punishment Staff, Leng Xuan rushed forward without dodging. When the Thunder Punishment Staff was about to fall, he suddenly raised his right hand, clenched his steel fist tightly, and blasted towards the top of the Thunder Punishment Staff.

   "Bang!" There was only a loud sound of thunder, and Leng Xuan's steel fist landed firmly on the Thunder Punishment Staff. The attack of the Thunder Penalty Staff was not only stopped, but also, under the strength of Leng Xuan's fist, the Thunder Penalty Staff was slowly retreating.

   "This is impossible!" Seeing Leng Xuan withstood the attack of the Thunder Punishment Staff with one punch, Yuan Chengfang's face was full of inconceivable expressions. At this time, before he had time to make other moves, the Thunder Punishment Staff suddenly turned into a purple light and disappeared into the air. Seeing this, Yuan Chengfang's complexion changed, and he quickly contacted the Thunder Punishment Staff through his mind. However, he soon discovered that the Thunder Punishment Staff seemed to no longer exist, and there was no fluctuation at all.

   "Elder, be careful!" While Yuan Chengfang was still in shock, Yanchuan's voice suddenly came from the side. Yuan Chengfang was startled and turned to look, only to see Leng Xuan's steel fist slamming towards her.

   "Go away!" Yuan Chengfang, who reacted in time, immediately moved her palms and patted Leng Xuan. "Death!" The cold words were spit out from Leng Xuan. As the two approached, Yuan Chengfang raised his eyes and saw the blood-red light in Leng Xuan's eyes. When his eyes touched the blood-red light, he only felt a tyrannical aura pouring into his mind, disturbing his thoughts. For a moment, his mind went blank, as if he had forgotten everything.

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