887: Evil Retribution Comes

Xue Gaoyin's face is not good:

"Lin An, are you pity me? 99

Lin An anxiously:

"Didn't I worry about your retribution?

"That 1,000 yuan is what I gave you."

Xue Gaoyin was so angry that he patted the desktop with his hands:


"I don't lack the 1,000 yuan."

"I'm going to bully you today."

Lin An was wronged: "But you have already bullied me."

Xue Gaoyin: "Then are you willing to continue renting as I said before?

Lin An originally disagreed, he was afraid that Xue Gaoyin would suffer retribution, so he said: "Then I agree.

All netizens:

"Lin An, you are so kind."

"Don't worry about this woman. 35

"Yes, she is so arrogant, just let her get retribution."

"Lin An, you really are.

"You are using your own money to save a white-eyed wolf."

Unexpectedly, Xue Gaoyin did not agree: "No.

Lin An was speechless: "Why can't it work again?"

Xue Gaoyin: "You didn't do it willingly.

Lin An: What am I...



"Then what to do now, even if you save her, she doesn't want to.

"This is the first time I have seen such a funny woman."

"No help, wait to die."

Lin An didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then what do you say? 95'

Xue Gaoyin said: "I feel like I can't do anything now. No matter what you do, I'm very angry. 35

Lin An rolled his eyes, yes, there is nothing to talk about now.

A netizen asked curiously:

"Master Ye, when will Xue Gaoyin's retribution arrive?

Ye Xuan did the math:

"It will start as soon as Xue Gaoyin leaves the house.

Lin An was so frightened that he drooled:

"Then Master Ye, can you save her?

Ye Xuan shook his head:

"I can save her, but she wants to kill herself, how can you ask me to save her?"

Xue Gaoyin also saw the live broadcast, she sneered: "Pretend to be a ghost.

"The reason I'm upset today is largely because of you, Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, why don't I make a bet with you?"

Netizens come to the spirit:

"Are you sure? Bet with Master Ye? There's no one left.

"My God, is this woman crazy?"

"It's good, it's really kind."

"I laughed so hard, I wonder if she will be struck by lightning when she goes out?

Ye Xuan is half-smiling:

0.. ask for flowers..... 0

"Okay, what are you going to bet on?"

Xue Gaoyin:

"If it's okay to go out and get home, then I won, and you have to apologize to me. 35

"Conversely, that's when you win, you can do whatever you want.

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly:

"As long as you can get out of this community alive, you win.""

"I won't need anything because you're dead."


Xue Gaoyin's face was cold:

"Ye, you curse me to death?

Ye Xuan:

“I am only stating objective facts.35

Xue Gaoyin was too lazy to talk to Ye Xuan, so he got up and walked towards the door.

Lin An was so frightened that he stopped her: "Mrs. Xue, no, Master Ye is very accurate.

Xue Gaoyin looked at Lin An indifferently: "Lin An, you are a good person, and the 1,000 yuan is returned to you."

After she finished speaking, she transferred 1,000 yuan to Lin An on her mobile phone.

Lin An still wanted to bump, but Xue Gaoyin had already gone out. Looking at the refund of the 1,000 yuan deposit he received, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Outside the gate, Xue Gaoyin stepped on high heels and went downstairs.

As soon as she took two steps, she stepped on one foot behind her, her body was unbalanced, and she rolled down the stairs at once.

Lin An, who was chasing after him, saw this scene, and his body trembled with fright.

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