886: Fate will be scattered

The red dust mirror screen ended.


"I kind of know why this woman has two different looks, gentle and savage.

"Gentleness is cultivated by tutors, and the side of Yeshu is her original face.

"All forty years old, still a bear child."

"It turned out to be like this, what happened today seems to be the biggest setback she has ever encountered in her life."

"Ah this... I get scolded by the boss once a day is bigger than her biggest setback.

"The gap between people is really bigger than that between dogs and dogs."

020 "This woman is God's darling, there is no way to compare it."

"She is God's illegitimate daughter? So awesome."

"No wonder she's going to be tough.

Lin An was also speechless: "Mrs. Xue, you are a happy woman. I didn't want to be embarrassed. You refunded my money. Can I apologize to you?"

Xue Gaoyin said with a straight face: "You have seen that and you still say that."

"Only bullying others, you know?"

"I can't deduct your deposit, where do you put my face?

Lin An had a headache.

Internet Police:

"Ms. Xue, your behavior is illegal, and we have contacted your husband."

At this time, Xue Gaoyin's cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone and looked at it, and the two characters of her husband were displayed on the screen.

"Hey, husband, are you here to persuade me?

The other end of the phone was silent for a while before saying, "Wife, today's business is a bit big.

Xue Gaoyin gas explosion:

"I don't care whether it's a big deal or not, since the first day I met you, you have protected me every time. Today you want to give up on me?"

Xue Gaoyin's husband was obviously sluggish. It wasn't because he thought, but he was a commoner even though he had some money. The police called him. What could he do?

Xue Gaoyin said coldly:

"If you still think I'm your wife, don't worry about today's affairs!"

After speaking, Xue Gaoyin hung up the phone.

Ye Xuan saw things like this, so he could only speak (acfa): "Mrs. Xue, you have been so happy all the time, because you are born with deep blessings.

"No matter how deep the blessing is, it can be consumed by people a little bit.

"You have been doing some small bad things since you were a child. Although these bad things are very small and have no evil retribution, they will ruin your fortune a little bit, and when your fortune is gone, you will be in a big disaster.

Xue Gaoyin said with great interest: "Master Ye, tell me, why do I have a great disaster?

Ye Xuan: "Wait until your good fortune is gone, the evil retribution of your bad deeds over the years will come to you little by little, because there are too many small evils, and once they come, you will die miserably."

Xue Gaoyin snorted coldly: "Fart! I don't believe in fate."


"It looks terrifying.

"Is that so?"

"Ah, I did a little evil yesterday, and I have to do more good things in the future, otherwise I will have a big disaster."

"Mrs. Xue, you should return the money quickly. 35

"I don't think it's about 1,000 yuan, but her fortune is about to be exhausted, so Master Lin said this. 99

Lin Xuan liked the above barrage:

"This fan guessed right."

"That's right, if Xue Gaoyin doesn't pay back the money this time, she will die, her fortune will be exhausted, and the monstrous retribution will soon come!

Lin An is a fan of Lin Xuan, and his face changed greatly when he heard Lin Xuan's words, he said kindly: "Mrs. Xue, you can return the money to me first, and then I will give it to you.

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