Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

883: The deposit will be refunded if you rent for 1 more year

883: The deposit will be refunded if you rent for one more year

Lin An is crazy, this woman not only will not refund the deposit, but also claims to him after deducting the deposit? Is there any reason for this!



"poor child."

"I now know why Master Ye chose him."

"Laughing to death, you can still buckle like this. 99

"Let the police come.

"'s not funny.

"Zero Twenty" Lin An: "Ms. Xue, don't do this. You are bullying honest people. Look at me cleaning your house so clean, and you still treat me like this.""

Xue Gaoyin: "If you make a mess of my house, I will not refund you a penny of the deposit, just like the last tenant. 99

Lin An: "Aren't you not giving me a penny now?

Xue Gaoyin: "It's different now. It turned out that the tenant was kicked out by me, and you were me to keep him."

Lin An was furious: "I dare not stay."

Xue Gaoyin: "Anyway, I'll put my words here."

Lin An: "I called the police!"

Xue Gaoyin: "It's useless for you to call the police. I'll come back after the police leave. I'll have a lawsuit with you later. You see you're so poor, do you have the money to file a lawsuit with me?"5

Lin An: "You have thousands of clothes, why are you doing this to me?"

Xue Gaoyin: "My husband gave me this house, I rent it out when I'm bored? I don't care about the money, but I can't lower the price.

Lin An:


"Laughing to death. 99

"Lin An, you are really unlucky.

"This superb landlady.""

"The key is that she will really have a lawsuit with you.

"Hey, I'm most afraid of this kind of person, she doesn't talk about cost, she just consumes it against you.

Lin An was mad and suddenly thought of Master Ye.

He took his mobile phone and showed it to Xue Gaoyin: "Landlady, watch for yourself, I'm in Master Ye's live broadcast room now, and you're being broadcast all the time, if you don't want to be cleaned up by Master Ye, just let me go. ."

"You return my one thousand yuan deposit to me, and we can get together.

Xue Gaoyin frowned: "This is impossible, even Master Ye, he can't do anything to me.

Ye Xuan said indifferently: "Xue Gaoyin, please refund the rent to Lin An. 39

Xue Gaoyin only felt that Ye Xuan's eyes could see through her deepest thoughts.

She was a little scared when she thought about what she had done, but she didn't want to let her spit out the money.

She said: "I didn't think about deducting the deposit this time, I just thought about Lin An continuing to rent my house."

"How about this, Lin An, you rent for another year, and after the end of the year, I will return the deposit.

Lin An screamed: "One year?" After he discovered Xue Gaoyin's character, he didn't dare to rent Xue Gaoyin's house for one more day.

Xue Gaoyin: "That's right, this is my biggest concession. I promise that I will never hold your deposit."

Lin An: "Who knows if what you said is true?"


"**666, a year, isn't this the same as a bike-sharing deposit refund?'

"It's just been a good year."

"Have you ever thought about 5.0, Lin An renting a house with her is 100 more expensive a month and 1200 more expensive a year, which is even more expensive than the deposit withheld.

"My God, this woman is too domineering. 99

"Who is her husband, come out and take care of this crazy woman.

Xue Gaoyin said to Lin An's doubts: "Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, I will not refund the deposit to you."

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