Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

882: The deposit will not be refunded if you do not rent

882: The deposit will not be refunded if you do not rent

Xue Gaoyin stood up and scolded him: "A waste."

Netizens in the live room:

"I shed tears of rising prices and falling wages.

Seeing that Lin An still disagreed, Xue Gaoyin was angry: "I tell you, I will only rent this house to you, if you don't rent it, my house will be empty, and you will pay the lost rent.

"Why do you meet such a landlady?"

"In other words, I think Mrs. Xue has no reason not to let Lin An go."

Cai Gaoyin said to himself: I didn't want you to go because you cleaned up.

Lin An refused to accept: "Why? If you want me to rent your house, then you should reduce the price. I just plan to pay 400 yuan a month for rent, and if it is 100 yuan, I don't want to rent it. 39

"If you renew the lease, I will not deduct your deposit."

"Poor Lin An.

Lin An: "Mrs. Cai, why is this? You see that my house is so clean, you have no reason to deduct my deposit, right?"

"Xia Guo is not good at this, the rent only rises and does not fall.

Many netizens:


Xue Gaoyin: "I'm doing it for your own good. When you go to rent a house over there, you have to walk an extra 10 minutes to go home from work every day."

Lin An covered her ears with her hands: "If you don't rent, I really don't. Mrs. Xue, I'm a poor man, you can just let me go. I can save 100 yuan a month. 35

Xue Gaoyin turned his face on the spot, and his voice became sharp: "You really don't rent?"

"More than rent... how many prices are not like this. 99

"Come on, snickering when wages drop? I'm out of a job.

Lin An looked bad: "Mrs. Xue, aren't you forced to rent?"

Xue Gaoyin: "I have never seen a landlord drop the rent."


If you rent to Lin An, you will be more assured than renting to someone else.

"I thought Mrs. Xue would give a suitable reason, but it turned out that there was no reason, just didn't want to let people go. 39

"Your salary."9

"Madam, I'm a waste, I'm a poor man, please let me go, your house can be rented to others."

"I think it's better to call the landlord."

"Look at how young and strong you are, you can't even give up a hundred yuan a month, what's it like to be poor?

Lin An:????

Lin An was speechless.

She used to rent to others, and she always made a mess of the house.

It's just that she said: "The deposit is in my hands, I can deduct it if I want."

Seeing that Xue Gaoyin was so difficult, Lin An didn't want to rent, so he decided to give up some of the money:

Lin An is rotten:


"If the landlord comes, the landlord beats people.

0.. ask for flowers..... 0

Really let Master Ye say that his deposit cannot be refunded?

"I'll buy something.

Xue Gaoyin: "As I said just now, if you don't rent for one day, I will deduct your money for one day. You only deposit with me for two months, and you only have enough money for two months. If you don't have enough money to deduct later, I will go. The court will sue you." And.

Lin An cleans the house neatly, which echoes her heart very much.

"I know that there is a kind of price that has not been rising and is still falling.

So she thought for a while and said to Lin An: "If you keep renting, then I can only hold your deposit.

Xue Gaoyin looked inside the house.


"If I insist on not renewing the lease, how much deposit are you going to charge me?"

"This Mrs. Xue is interesting. If others don't want to rent it, you won't let others go."

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