868: Force on her

The three Zhong Jianbai panicked. If they were really fired, they would definitely be beaten by their father.

Still Qi Huantian calmly said: "We have never beaten Ma Shi, so we won't be fired at this level, it's impossible to even record a major demerit, at most a minor demerit.


"Damn, if you follow the rules, you really can't fire these three annoying guys."

"But they really didn't do it very badly."

"Zero Twenty"

"Give them three demerits, and they'll change their minds? They won't target Maas in the future? 35

"Obviously not.

"May be revenge on Maas.

"Yeah, what should I do then?

"If only they had more serious crimes.

Ye Xuan smiled indifferently at this moment, and the mirror in his hand showed a new picture.

In the mirror of the world.

Zhong Jianbai was courting a girl: "Li Xiaodie, are you free later? Let's have a meal together?"

Li Xiaodie hesitated.

Zhong Jianbai said: "The two brothers in my dormitory are also going to dinner, why don't we go together? Let's treat."

Li Xiaodie: "Okay."

Ten minutes later, Zhong Jianbai, Fang Zhili, Qi Huantian, and Li Xiaodie set off together.

Zhong Jianbai called for a taxi on the side of the road: "Driver, go to Gangxing Hotel."

Driver: "Okay.

Li Xiaodie was surprised: "That hotel seems to be a five-star hotel, you invite me to eat at such a high-end place?"

Zhong Jianbai smiled: "We are all second-generation rich, and we usually eat in star-rated hotels."

Fang Liing and Qi Huantian secretly looked at Li Xiaodie, but Li Xiaodie did not show much enthusiasm for them.

All three frowned secretly.

The restaurant box on the third floor of Hong Kong Star Hotel.

Zhong Jianbai and the other three were courteous to Li Xiaodie.

Li Xiaodie was wearing a light yellow dress with a faint smile on her face, which made the three of them excited, but it seemed that no matter what the three of them said to Li Xiaodie, Li Xiaodie always kept a slight distance from them.

Zhong Jianbai and the others found an opportunity to leave and gathered outside the box:

"We have shown that we are rich, and we are indeed rich, why does she seem not to be interested in us?"

"Damn, before our brothers almost turned over because of this woman, and she didn't care about any of them for a long time."

"You say it's for Mao, I see her smiling happily when she's with Ma Shi, how come she's smirking when she's with us..'

"It doesn't matter, it must be this slut who fell in love with the poor ghost of Ma Shi.

"Why, why can't we be as good as Ma Shi?"

"Then what should I do now? When I chat with her, she just ignores it. It's hard to make an appointment this time, and maybe I won't make an appointment next time."

Qi Huantian looked gloomy:

"Damn, this bitch is shameless."

"In this way, give her another chance later. If she is still the same, we will force her on."

Zhong Jianbai and Fang Rian were surprised:

"That's not good.

Qi Huantian sneered:

"She brought it on herself."

Zhong Jianbai and Fang Rian worried and said:

"But whether this is successful or not, if she calls the police on 5.0, we will be finished.

Qi Huantian smiled and shook his head:

"Don't worry, I know her character well, and she is very soft-hearted. If we fail, we beg her, and she won't say it. If it succeeds, as long as we coax her well, she won't say it."

When Zhong Jianbai and Fang Liing heard Qi Huantian's words, their heartbeats quickened a lot. According to Qi Huantian's words, there is no risk and the benefits are great. If you don't do it, you are a fool.

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