867: Demerits for you

In the Red Dust Mirror, Zhong Jianbai and the others had been excluding Masers from the very beginning.

Not long after school started, after the head teacher gave Ma Shi a poverty subsidy, the three of them looked at Ma Shi only with worse eyes.

Then, because Ma Shi was a little handsome, good grades, and enthusiastic, many girls in the class looked at Ma Shi differently, and the three of them treated Ma Shi like enemies.

Usually in the dormitory, the three of them didn't pay attention to Ma Shili when they saw him, and they didn't talk to Ma Shi- if something happened.

On this day, Ma Shi finally couldn't help but ask the three of them:

"I said you three, where did I offend you?"

"Other people's dormitories are all good friends, why did it become like this when I came to my place.

Zhong Jianbai and the three:

"Who made you poor?"

"Other people's dormitories are full of poor ghosts. Can the three of us be like them? If you want to blame it, you, a poor ghost, live in a place where only rich people like us can live. 99

Horse Morale:

"You don't feel good about me, then you can rent a house outside the school, aren't you rich?"

Zhong Jianbai and the three:

"Oh, our money doesn't come from the wind, why waste it?"

"Living outside, sometimes there is something in the school that is inconvenient to contact us. 99

"I just think it's fun to exclude you poor bastard.

Mars was even more annoyed when he heard this:

"You are so sick!"

Qihuan Tiandao:

"Ma Shi, I warn you, stay away from Li Xiaodie, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.


"Li Xiaodie and I just said a word yesterday, what does it mean to stay away, and we have nothing to do with each other."

Being ostracized by the three of them all the time, Ma Shi was also furious: "Besides, even if I have a relationship with her, so what, why should I listen to you?

Qi Huantian sneered:

"You dare to talk back?


"You are not my parents, why can't I refute you.

The three of Qi Huantian stared at Ma Shi and didn't let go:

"Ma Shi, are you courting death?"

Ma Shi: "You want to fight? 39

The four of them started fighting at any time in the dormitory.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside.

A young man came in: "The head teacher has a meeting tonight."

At this time, the four people relaxed.

The picture of the Red Dust Mirror also ended.


"These three rich second-generations are too bad, and a good person, Ma Shiduo, was forced to be like this by them."

0.. ask for flowers..... 0

"Yeah, Ma Shi is really good-natured, and has always tolerated these three people.

"It's amazing to have money, and besides, the money is not earned by the three of them, but because of their parents.

"Check their parents to see if they are tax evasion."

The surrounding students saw the contents of the Hongchen Mirror and glared at Zhong Jianbai and the others:


"Even people like Junior Brother Ma are being forced into this by you, which shows how domineering you are.

"School is a place to learn, not a place for you to run wild."

"Let me say, fire the three of them. 35

"The second-generation rich are very annoying, especially this kind of second-generation rich.

Head teacher: "You three, hum! I will report your matter to the counselor, bully classmates, and give you a demerit."

Zhong Jianbai and the three:


"It's all a misunderstanding.

"The head teacher, why do you give us a demerit, this is not in line with the rules.

head teacher:

"It will be discussed by the school leaders if it conforms or not.

Students around:

"As far as the three of you have done, the demerits are considered minor, and it is normal to be fired." And.

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