865: Innocent Heart

"I don't have any money, so I'll give you 50 yuan."

"No wonder the girls in your class like you. Junior brother, do you have a girlfriend? You won't have time to go shopping with me later."

"What do you three want to do?"

All students:

"Let's just pretend that part of the 30,000 yuan donated is from us."5

"You don't want to donate any more money this time."

"You wanted to leave after you framed someone just now?"

"You are stronger than the law, and the law doesn't care what others think."

"Student brother, when you go to university, you should focus on your studies and don't do so many part-time jobs. Well, I will personally sponsor you 100 yuan.

"Student is good."

"I 200. 35

Zhong Jianbai and Qi Huantian took advantage of the time to escape from the crowd.

20. "

At this time, a person walked in outside the dormitory door.

"I'm 10.

Zhong Jianbai: "I'm from Weian, and my family runs a company. How about you?"

The students watching the lively around the cafeteria also stood on the side of Ma Shi:

With the words of the surrounding students, the scene became a donation meeting.

Zhong Jianbai: "We still have to say goodbye in advance."

The head teacher also changed his face: "Ma Shi, you are good, you are a role model for our class, I am not wrong, you can rest assured that I will do my best to help you apply for the poverty subsidy for four years of your university. If your life is still not enough, you You can borrow it from me, and I will ensure that you can go to university with peace of mind.

Seeing that the barrage was all standing by him, Ma Shi was also happy: "I knew that the eyes of the masses were sharp.

"You don't care if others have this method, as long as others do it in the end. 35

Qi Huantian: "My dad is a senior executive of a listed company, and his annual dividend is more than 2 million. 99

Qi Huantian was dumbfounded. He thought this reason was absurd, but seeing Ma Shi like this, it was really the reason.

"It turns out that classmate Ma is such an enthusiastic guy. 35

Zhong Jianbai and Qi Huantian had ugly expressions on their faces. They never expected that Ma Shi would actually donate money.

Some enthusiastic students also said:

Sharp-eyed students saw them:

It was Qi Huantian’s brain that was good enough, and he said to Ma Shi, “Ma Shi, you are helping the old man to donate money to do good deeds. Why did you disagree when Master Ye used the Red Dust Mirror to play the picture before?

The head teacher looked serious: "You three, treat your classmates in the same dormitory differently, look down on poor students, and have unrighteous views. Come to the office with me, and I want to have a good chat with you.

Zhong Jianbai and the three were speechless.

Normal netizens rant about sprayers:


"You three are the real bad guys."

"Oh, I can still say that you once wanted to kill people, can you arrest you for this reason?"

"I didn't bully, I'm taking advantage of the last year to go crazy."

At this time, the red dust mirror in Ye Xuan's hand played the screen again.

"Sister, you are a senior, do you want to bully the freshman like this?" ""

The trolls hid at this time and stopped talking.

Ma Shi was embarrassed: "Senior, Senior Sister, don't do this.

"Can this be sprayed too?

Fang Liming: "My father is the director, and I am from Pingning."

When the three saw that the other was the son of a powerful man, they hit it off and started chatting quickly.

"You have the money to spend time studying hard. 35

The student's dormitory friend (the Zhao of the past), Zhong Jianbai, Fang Zhili, and Qi Huantian put things in large and small bags, and it looks like the first few days of the freshman's start of school.


"I'm 20.""

Ma Shi smiled bitterly: "My mother taught me to do good deeds without leaving my name.

"The students at our school are really good.

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