864: I must have been selfish before

He explained the procedures for making donations to Mas.

"This child is great, and has the demeanor of the old man back then."

He looked closely at Ma Shi, his clothes were very shabby, otherwise the rich would not have come to make him happy.

"Yes, he is called stingy and stingy. This kind of person thinks that something worth 10 yuan is expensive even if he has 100 million.

Ma Shi smiled and said: "This can't be said of others, donations are not compulsory, others can donate as much as they want, and you can't ask others to donate more just because they have money, as long as others donate, it's better than those who don't.

"Well done."

The service guy was dubious: "You can transfer money, you need to fill out a form.""

This is the end of the picture of the Red Dust Mirror.

Ma was very morale: "You guys are bloody, I'm doing a part-time job first because I'm going to be late, and I'm going to Huahua World Amusement Park first because I'm on the way."


Part of the sprayer:

The ordinary young man in front of him actually donated 30,000 yuan, and the name of the donor was anonymous.

Ma Shi smiled lightly: "I don't care if others can do it or not. My parents taught me to be a person since I was a child, and I will continue to do it. Especially since I came from a poor mountainous area, I have to do my best. Help poor mountainous areas."

Ma Shi did not know the idea of ​​serving the younger brother, he continued: "I donated 30,000 yuan. 35

The service boy asked curiously, "Dude, are you a second-generation rich man? 39

"That's right, he's trying to steal it!"

Ma Shi: "Of course I am poor. In order to pay college students and living expenses, I have to go out to work part-time every day."

Service boy: "Then you are not very poor now?"

It was not until Ma Shi transferred the money that he believed the facts in front of him.

"Mas' donation time was too slow, he must have been selfish before, otherwise he would not have donated money last.

The service guy sighed, there are very few people who donate here, and it is not completely absent. Almost all donate 10 yuan or 8 yuan to express their love. These days, let alone 10 yuan and 8 yuan, it is 100 yuan. Even 200 yuan can't buy anything, and it doesn't have much effect.

All netizens:

"Good, Ma Shi really has the heart of a child. 99

The service boy nodded: "Brother, you are really a good person, there are not many people like you in this year, and I can't do it myself.

"Mas doesn't spend money at Huahua World Amusement Park because he is stingy, he thinks the prices inside are too expensive, not because he doesn't waste money. 99

"You know what? A lot of people who come to donate money are well-dressed, and their clothes are worth a few thousand dollars, so they donate 10 yuan or 8 yuan. 35

"30 yuan? Yes." The service guy didn't lift his head, then suddenly changed his face and looked up, "You said 30,000 yuan just now?""

Ma Shi thought that the service brother heard 02 wrong: "Yes, it is 30,000 yuan, can I transfer money? Or can I only accept cash?"

Ma Shi shook his head slightly: "What kind of rich second-generation I am, I am the standard poor second-generation, and I myself was tested in the poor mountainous area.

"What about the person who sprayed Ma Shi just now? Said that Ma Shi would not donate money? Said that Ma Shi would definitely waste money when he went to Huahua World Amusement Park?

"Ma Shi, I really didn't see the wrong person."

The service boy admired: "You are so poor and you donate so much, you really, I have worked here for three years, and this is the first time I have seen it."

Spoiler: "Oh, you're making a quibble.

"The service guy was shocked, maybe this donation is the biggest one he has received since he took office."

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