839: Without me, you will be caught

Ye Xuan said lightly:

"Why isn't it fair? You shouldn't be arrested for committing a crime? As a big anchor of positive energy, I shouldn't point out your crimes?

Bald man:

"You know that's not what I'm talking about!

"I think you're targeting me!"

Ye Xuan laughed:

"It's not a target, it's just that Zheng Haishan is my fate, and it happened that you stole something from him, so I arrested you.

Bald man:

"That's what I said. You arrest me, you just can't afford me 02.

Netizens were shocked:

"That's really a rhetoric.

"Can this be blamed on Master Ye?"

"If you don't commit a crime, can Master Ye catch you?"

"Why don't you blame yourself."

"They have never done anything wrong in their lives, and they are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. 55

"Laughing to death, you are joking, don't you think that without Master Ye, you really won't be caught?"

The bald man's eyes lit up when he saw this barrage: "Yes, this barrage is quite right, if I were lucky and didn't meet Master Ye, I wouldn't be caught.

"I wasn't caught because of my crime, it was because of my bad luck and I'll be back.

Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head:

"I know there are many criminals out there who have the same idea as you, thinking that it was just bad luck that they were caught and that if they had another chance, they would never have been caught."

"So it's not because the sin was wrong, but because I didn't do it well enough when I sinned, and I didn't repent when I died.

The policeman nodded:

"Master Ye is right, when many criminals are caught, this is the mentality.

"They have absolutely no remorse, and when they get out of jail, they will commit crimes again."5


"There are still people like this, many more?"

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that many prisoners are repeat offenders?"

"You only know now. 99

"Then what should I do, I know they will commit crimes when they come out, but I still want to let them out, isn't this not returning the tiger to the mountain?

"The problem is that others haven't committed a crime yet, and you can't arrest someone just because they might commit a crime in the future.

"This, this... This is a big problem, even Master Ye can't do anything about it. 99

"It's not something that can be solved by manpower, let's forget it.

"There is absolutely no way. There are many things in the world that can't be solved. If you can solve it, you can do it. Don't ask for perfection."

The police also said:

"Yes, we police officers are also human beings, and we have no ability to arrest those who will commit crimes in the future, but we will use our best efforts to arrest those who commit crimes and protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Many netizens liked:

"The police are so righteous!"

"This is the police of our Xia country, unlike the police in the United States who shot and killed Americans casually.

990 "With the protection of the police, I feel very safe in Xia.

"Xia Guo's safety today is not because it fell from the sky, but because the police carried the weight behind him.

"Without the police, we will have a good life for the common people."

"It is recommended to improve the treatment of the police, and not let heroes pay in vain. 99




Everyone's words did not convince the bald man.

Ye Xuan also knew this, and with a movement of the red dust mirror in his hand, he said lightly:

"Bald head, I used the red dust mirror to figure out the scene where Zheng Haishan is not on the live broadcast, you can see what your future will be like."

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