835: Only Steal Me

Netizens were happy at this time:


"Why am I glad to see his money stolen.

"Nonsense, this kid has been pretending just now, saying that he is handsome and that he has a beautiful girlfriend, and now he is unlucky, can they be unhappy?

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, this is what people are watching.

"Maybe the thief couldn't see that this guy is handsome and has a beautiful girlfriend. Manual dog's head to save his life.""

"I was a thief who also stole, so I only stole from his house.

Zheng Haishan smiled bitterly again:

"This netizen, you are really right. I have asked the owners of several nearby stores. Their stores are very normal and have not been stolen. It is my store that was stolen. You say that it is annoying or not."

"This thief came to steal things, anyway, he stole everything, why didn't he stole the whole street at once, and only stole from me? Is it because I have a lot of money? Impossible, there are shops near me. Definitely more cash than I have in my shop~||.35

"It can't be just because I'm unlucky, is there such a coincidence?


"Haha, deserve it. 99

"Let you dress up. 99

"Who made you look handsome, we ugly Bi can only treat you like this.

"Even thieves dislike you.

"The thief: I didn't steal your money to make money, or to dislike you. 35

"You don't need Master Ye to go into this matter, I can give you some pointers, and be honest and low-key in the future, the thief will naturally return the money you stole, and you don't need to look for it.

There are also netizens who really made suggestions:

"Have you tried calling the police?"5

Zheng Haishan:

"I called the police, but the police said that the cameras nearby were broken, they couldn't see the surveillance, and they didn't know who did it."

"They said they would try their best to find it and let me prepare myself mentally in advance."


"**666, this police comrade really knows how to play."

"Why do I feel like it's what the doctor said to the patient's family before the operation.

"I don't think so, it is."

"Don't laugh, let Master Ye do the trick. Although Zheng Haishan hates it a bit, he can't really be patronized by thieves. What if the thieves come to his shop next time?"5

"I'm going, if the next time the thief comes back and only steals his house, then he will really collapse.

Zheng Haishan's face is green when he sees the barrage, stealing me once is not enough, and stealing me a second time?

Thinking of this possibility, he begged to Ye Xuan: "Master Ye, you have great powers and magic powers, help me catch this thief."

Ye Xuan said lightly: "`" How difficult is this.

As soon as his fingers were pinched, a fingerprint was printed, and Ye Xuan had already figured out the cause and effect of everything.

Ye Xuan wanted to laugh after knowing everything.

All netizens:

"Master Ye?"

"Why do I think Master Ye is holding back his smile."

"Be confident, get rid of your feelings, you're just laughing. 35

"Crap, what did Zheng Haishan do to make Master Ye laugh?

Zheng (Nuo Nuo's) Haishan shook his head: "I don't, I'm just a serious business person, I can't be the one who offended the thief."5

Ye Xuan laughed: "Well, I'll tell you who the thief is, you go and ask him why he wants to steal your money. 35

Zheng Haishan was angry: "Where did he change? 35

Not only was he angry because of the money being stolen, but what made him angry was that this thief did not steal from others, but only from him. Does this make him feel like a bully?

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

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