Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

818: If your academic qualifications are fraudulent, who will you fire if you don't fire it?

818: If your academic qualifications are fraudulent, who will you fire if you don't fire it?


"You are really miserable.

"I admit that looking at this matter alone, you are indeed a little miserable.

"When I said that Director Yang was miserable, it only represented this matter, not the whole thing. Misery is not the reason for his harm. I will always support Master Ye.

After listening to Director Yang's speech, the audience in the live broadcast room said that Director Yang was really miserable.

But he quickly added that the miserable "Nine Seven Three" was the reason for his harm.

At this time, Director Yang on the opposite side of the camera kept pressing Ye Xuan why.

Ye Xuan sneered and said slowly, "I'll tell you why."

"Because you have fake certificates and fake degrees.""

"If you don't fire you, who are you fired?


"what's the situation?"

"Minato, this sudden reversal flashed Laozi's waist."

"I'm a thief, it turned out to be fake, I just really sympathized with you just now, you compensate me for my feelings! 99

"Yiya, I shouldn't believe you. People like you should go in directly and stop arguing."5

"I'm a thief, this is a doctor, and he can still fake it, if he cures diseases and kills people, it won't be cold!

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience felt that they had been deceived, their anger surged, and they kept squirting.

Ye Xuan explained, "That's why Director Yang chose the male department.

"Because most surgeries are relatively small, they can't cure people."

"The surgery on Lin Tianxiang was just a cut on his head, and then stitched it up, there would be basically no accidents. 99

Director Yang, however, was bewildered, pointed at Ye Xuan and shouted, "Impossible!

"There's no way the hospital would know."

"Why didn't you tell me when you fired me?"

"No, I'm going to the hospital to have a theory, and I won't tell the truth if I'm fired! Isn't this trolling me!"5

Ye Xuan was speechless at the moment, looking at Director Yang like a fool.

"Tell you what?"

"Applying for a fake degree is to get into Orange."

"If it wasn't for your master who saw you as pitiful at the beginning, he helped you suppress this matter.

"You've already gone in now, and there's still a chance to harm people here? Do you still need to find a hospital for theories?

"If you go to the hospital, the demon spirit will take you away before you come out.

A new character appeared: the master.

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little stunned, and they all asked who this was.

Ye Xuan explained: "When no intern doctor first enters the hospital, there will always be a doctor with more seniority who brings 0.."

"This doctor with more seniority is the master. 35

"When Director Yang's academic fraud was discovered, it was his master who begged for a long time in the dean's office to let him not be held accountable.

"This master is also very good!"

"Why don't I have such a master?

"I beg God to give me such a master! 35

"This master is in that hospital, I'm just curious, I don't do anything!

Upon hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room were envious.

Director Yang was taken aback, frowned and said in disbelief, "My master? He was the one who reprimanded me the most in the hospital!

"He pleaded with me??


"Are you sent by my master?

"You give a 4.9 to him, I can't believe it. 55

Director Yang shook his head firmly, not believing Ye Xuan's words at all.

Ye Xuan pointed to the red dust beads in his hand.

"You can see if I'm lying to you by looking at it."

The next moment, a picture appeared in the red dust beads.

In the picture, a man in his fifties rushed to the dean's office anxiously.

"President, is it Xiao Yang who recently found out that his academic qualifications were fraudulent?

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