817: Master Ye, are you worthy?

Only then did Director Yang remember the real purpose of his coming up, so he quickly changed his expression and continued:

"I don't know what your intentions are. 35

"Seeing my mother abandon me,~ I can actually laugh.

"But after that, if you know what happened after me, you will never be able to laugh.

Listening to Director Yang's words, the audience in the live broadcast room retorted:

"If you were a good man, of course we wouldn't laugh at it! 35

"Yes, if you are a good doctor who saves lives and heals wounds, we will definitely sympathize with you.

"However, you are at fault first, and you still don't allow us to laugh? What's the point of this? 99

"We not only have to laugh, but also laugh in front of you, so that you lied before, huh! 35

Director Yang ignored these barrages and continued:

"After learning that my father committed suicide because of the deception of a barefoot doctor, I decided to become a doctor.

"Be a good doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded and is just and just.

"I study hard every day. When others are studying, I am studying. When others are playing, I am also studying."

"Even when I was eating and sleeping, I was studying, and finally, I was admitted to the school of my dreams, majoring in medicine."

"After graduating from university, I successfully became an intern, and at that moment I saw the light, and I am very happy every day.

"Taking patients as my family, caring for them, caring for them, and watching patients get cured and discharged from the hospital is the happiest thing for me.

"But... I ended up being expelled from the hospital.

At the end, Director Yang laughed at himself and looked at the camera: "Do you know why?"

Director Yang also wanted to imitate Ye Xuan, make a fool of himself, and watch the audience get anxious for a while, but the audience didn't buy his account at all:

"Love to talk but not talk, do not talk to pull down. 55

"Damn, are you the only one who deserves to learn Master Ye?"

"Speak quickly, or let Master Ye give you a bad luck charm."

Seeing this, Director Yang pouted in embarrassment and asked himself:

"Because of a male patient. 35

"At that time, he came to see a doctor, and I could see at a glance that he was too promiscuous and had the willow disease.

"I told him that too.

"But he didn't believe it. He said that other hospitals said he was fine, that I would cheat on him again, and finally he complained to me."

0.. ask for flowers ·

"The key is that he has a background in his family, and the hospital doesn't stand on my side at all, and he thinks that I have a problem, so he suspends me. 55

"I still remember the mocking expression on the side of the male patient when he was suspended from work. I will never forget it in my life."

"At first I thought it was over if I was suspended, but I didn't expect that after I went home from my suspension, I saw a large number of articles abusing me on the Internet.

"I knew that the male patient must have done it. I called the hospital that day to explain it for a long time, but the hospital only looked at the results, not the process."

"In the end, I was fired and told to pack up and leave. 99

"During that time, I was at home in a daze for a long time, and there were people who abused me on the Internet every day, and I almost wanted to commit suicide.

"If my friend from a publishing house hadn't invited me to write a book on popular science, I might have starved to death on the street.

"Master Ye, you said, I worked so hard and became a doctor that I thought I could fulfill my dream."

"But in fact, it came to this end. 99

"Master Ye, why is this? Why?" Fan.

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