Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

811: You may make a small profit, but the hospital will never lose

811: You may make a small profit, but the hospital will never lose

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room had different opinions:

"Actually not necessarily.

"What if the 11 yuan physical examination doesn't detect the disease?"

"Even if there is something wrong with the inspection, it's fine without treatment."

"Yes, as long as I can control it, no one can take money from me."

Looking at these barrages, Ye Xuan chuckled:

"Don't worry, you can't control it. If you can really control it, you won't spend the eleven dollars. 35

"Can you guarantee that you have nothing wrong with your body?"

"No matter what, something will definitely be checked out, and even if it isn't checked out, the editor will be able to make up a disease for you.

"They are nine characters.

"It is very serious, it can be cured, but it will cost money. 35

"You say you can't be cured, all kinds of sayings threaten you and make you feel like you're going to die one step later.

"Even if you hold back and don't get cured, the inspection fee has already been invested."9

"You may make a small profit, but the hospital will never lose money."

Listening to this, the audience in the live broadcast room was deeply disappointed:

"My goodness."

"So many tricks!

"The urban routine is too deep, I want to go back to the countryside, don't stop me."

"I won't dare to go to the hospital in the future, it's too scary."

"I went to the hospital for a medical examination a few days ago and said that I want to get the report today, but I don't want to go now. (acej)"

"I've decided to find a boyfriend who is studying medicine, at least I won't be tricked into seeing a doctor in the future.

"But isn't this hospital afraid of being reported?"

"Yeah, aren't you afraid that the deceived patient will run to make trouble?"

The audience shouted that the routine was too deep and terrible.

There is also a group of viewers, isn't the hospital afraid of being reported for doing things like this?

Ye Xuan explained: "Of course I'm afraid.""

"But a large number of people who go to see a doctor don't find themselves being tricked."

"It's like Lin Tianxiang, who didn't understand these diseases, was fooled by doctors and experts, and was deceived."

"In the end, I took the doctor's words as the imperial edict, and I didn't find that I was cheated at all, and I just blamed myself for not taking good care of myself."

"Another point is that their service is particularly good, which can be seen from the time Dr. Miao started to make friends with Lin Tianxiang."

"In other hospitals, doctors have to consult dozens of patients every day, and it is inevitable that there will be irritable moments in all aspects of emotions. 99

"But this hospital is different, it focuses on your money, and two people take turns to take care of you, which is not available in other hospitals.

"Some patients find that they have been tricked, and because of their good attitude, they will not be held accountable."

"In the end, a very small number of patients found out that they had been tricked, and they wanted to complain and report, or even beat demons and spirits. What they did was to lose money.

"The most fundamental purpose of anything patients do is to ask for money, and if they lose this money, they will have more patients waiting to be pitted. 99

"Even in the worst case for them, patients must report, and they have a place to deal with disputes between doctors and patients."

"Threats, intimidation, cheating, they have a hundred ways to solve it."

At this time, the silent old lady Lin, who had been on the opposite side of the camera, was already in tears, looked at Ye Xuan and asked:

"Master Ye, is my grandson killed by these two bastards?

Ye Xuan nodded solemnly: "Yes, when Lin Tianxiang spent 50,000 yuan, the first time he took it, he had to finish the review.

"I was fooled to take another course of medicine.""

"With the previous surgery fee, it's already 200,000 yuan. 35

"After the second course of treatment, your grandson found that his health was still not good.

"Emotionally devastated, he finally decided to commit suicide.

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