Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

810: People always think they can create miracles

810: People always think they can create miracles


"Why can't I look back? 39

"If it was only 11 yuan back then, it's already 150,000 yuan now!"

"It's a little bit less to lose, and if you find something wrong, you must turn back in time!

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their incomprehension.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan explained: "Do you know why gamblers never win?35

"It's explained by Murphy's Law that everything has the potential to go bad, no matter how small it is, it will always happen, especially when it's repeated.

"When Lin Tianxiang first came to the hospital, he wanted to take advantage of it. He felt that it was a huge advantage to be able to check his body for only 11 yuan."

"If you only spent 11 yuan, it's definitely not a loss, but after that, if a problem is found, it will cost another 300 yuan to check."

"He will think, he has already spent eleven yuan, and if he doesn't check at this time, the eleven yuan will be wasted~||.

"Then, continue to spend. When it reaches more than 300 yuan, if Lin Tianxiang turns back, he will only lose more than 300 yuan."5

"But, at that time, everyone he met looked at him with sympathy.

"Everyone was whispering in his ear why he was like this at such a young age."

"This feeling disgusts him, and he really wants to get out of this situation and get cured as soon as possible."

"Especially the conservative nature of our Xia people makes Lin Tianxiang feel that the disease in this area is very difficult to talk about. 35

"He has already been checked in this hospital, and it is difficult to choose another hospital. Every time he tells the doctor, he is exposing his own scars. 99

"When he knew there was an operation that could be treated, he must have been ecstatic, not happy, and wanted a quick treatment.

"But the 100,000 yuan surgery fee made him discouraged and wanted to back down.

"If you had paid the money first and then had the surgery, do you think Lin Tianxiang would still pay?"

Listening to Ye Xuan's question, the audience in the live broadcast room replied after thinking:


"Probably not, after all, it's 100,000."

"One hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount, and it should not be done."

"Yes, yes, I also don't think I can do it, 100,000 is our family's annual salary.

The audience in the live broadcast room said that they should not do it.

Ye Xuan also nodded and said, "That's it, if the fee was paid first, then the operation was performed.

"`" Lin Tianxiang will definitely not do it. "

"But doing the surgery first and paying later is different."

"The pressure between the two is very different because there are so many possibilities in the future.

"Perhaps Lin Tianxiang won the lottery the next day and made millions, and 100,000 yuan is nothing to him. 35

"It is also possible to go out and be spotted by the big boss, directly owe a contract for decades, or give money in advance, it is all possible.

"That's why so many people procrastinate, because they (Nuo Zhaohao) feel that they can create miracles and finish a few days' work in the next few hours.

"And after 100,000 yuan in loans, it's easier to spend money."

"So much money has already been invested, and if you don't continue, you will be blind.

"So Lin Tianxiang can only continue. From the very beginning, when Lin Tianxiang decided to greedy for the cheapness of 11 yuan, the next thing was already doomed. 35

"That's why Director Yang and Dr. Miao are so clever." Zhang.

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