Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

792: Picked up the sesame, lost the watermelon

792: Picked up the sesame, lost the watermelon


the driver asked.

Mu Junjun pointed to his head and whispered, "I'll tell you, there is something wrong with my boyfriend here."

"If he finds out that you are the driver, he will run wild!

"Maybe I'll beat you straight up, it's best not to let him know now!"

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety.

The driver has already taken a deep breath: "Since your boyfriend is already healed, you also tell Yao Yaoling to withdraw my accusation."

"I'll go first, you can come to me anytime if you have any follow-up medical or fee questions!

Saying so, he ran away.

Seeing the back of the driver fleeing, Mu Junjun breathed a sigh of relief, and finally stabilized the driver's side.

Now only Li Jun is left.

When Mu Junjun entered the ward, Li Jun didn't know who he was calling, and kept nodding his thanks.

Then he raised his head and looked at Mu Junjun, with little stars appearing in his eyes.

"Junjun, did you report my story on the Internet?"

"The doctor told me just now that there are already well-meaning people willing to help me."

"I was worried about my medical bills just now. I didn't expect you to be so good, and you've solved it all for me!"

These few words of Li Jun confused Mu Junjun all of a sudden.

"What do you say?

"How can I not understand... 99

"I didn't do it at all...hs.""

Halfway through, Mu Junjun took a deep breath, and she remembered it.

Before, in order to stabilize the hospital's side, I casually said that there are good people to help, and there is no need to worry about medical expenses.

At this moment, Mu Junjun wanted to slap the old self, why did she dig such a big hole for herself, the key point was that she never thought that Li Jun would wake up, and everything was said casually.

At this moment, the words have been said, and Mu Junjun looked at Li Jun's full face with a smile, his teeth were about to bite.


"There are really kind people..."

Mu Junjun, gritted his teeth, jumped out word by word.

But Li Jun didn't realize that Mu Junjun's face had turned black, and he was still happy at this time.

"You have that kind person's phone number, or no contact information.

"I'm going to give him an IOU for helping me so much, and I must thank him in person.

Mu Junjun is too lazy to even sneer now: "I guess you can't find her.

In the end, Mu Junjun paid the medical bills with a deadly expression on his face. He tried to escape many times in the middle, but was stared at by the doctor, so he could only bite the bullet and pay the money.

0.. ask for flowers.....

At this moment, Mu Junjun's heart is bleeding.

Although the money was originally Li Jun's medical expenses, it was hers when it went into her pocket.

It was going to be taken out of her pocket at the moment, but it made her sick to death.

Unlike Mu Junjun's discomfort, the audience in the live broadcast room almost died of laughter.



"Deserved!" 9

"Do your own sin, don't live!

"That's called doing too much iniquity and killing yourself.35

"Originally it was someone's medical expenses, and now you have a personal favor, what else do you want.

"Isn't it the driver who loses the most? After paying 200,000 yuan, he was said to run into someone and escape.

"The driver said the clown was me!"

At this moment, when Li Jun looked at the picture of Hong Chenzhu, he no longer had too much turmoil in his heart, but was more sad.

At the beginning, he really thanked Mu Junjun for not giving up when he was most difficult.

But at this moment, I found that it was only for 200,000 yuan from beginning to end.

Very sad.

At this time, Ye Xuan looked at Li Jun and asked, "Do you still want to be with Mu Junjun now? 35 Fans

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