Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

791: Bring Laozi's knife to peel an apple for Xiu Er

791: Bring Laozi's knife to peel an apple for Xiu Er

When Li Jun woke up, Mu Junjun was lying on the edge of the hospital bed, pretending to be crawling and falling asleep while taking care of Li Jun.

As a result, the driver did not wait.

Looking up, he saw a familiar face.

"Li Jun...why are you awake???"

The last four characters, Mu Junjun, were simply exclaimed.

She didn't expect Li Jun to wake up unexpectedly, which suddenly disrupted all her plans.

I hate it so much.

Don't wake up early, don't wake up late, but wake up at this time, isn't this purely looking for trouble!!!

Li Jun had just woken up, his head was still a little foggy, and he had been lying on the hospital bed for more than a week without moving.

His whole body was so numb that he grinned in pain when he moved a little.

But still gritted his teeth, he looked at Mu Jun 960 Jun: "Jun Jun? Are you taking care of me?"

At this moment, Mu Junjun was still angry, and said angrily: "No.""

I don't want to say a single extra word.

As a result, at this time, the person on the hospital bed next to her directly dismantled her:

"You're finally awake, boy. 35

"If your girlfriend hadn't been taking care of you these days, maybe you wouldn't be able to wake up. 99

"Be sure to be nice to your girlfriend when you go out in the future!

Mu Junjun cursed inwardly after hearing this.

If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb.

At this time, Li Jun didn't know Mu Junjun's inner thoughts at all, and he was still immersed in the happiness of the other party (acej) taking care of himself without sleep.

He smiled and replied to the other party: "Don't worry, Junjun is the person I love the most, and I will definitely treat her well for the rest of my life.

At this time, Mu Junjun suddenly remembered that she had forgotten someone.


Don't let the driver meet Li Jun, then the matter of her taking the money will be exposed.

Mu Junjun was so panicked at the moment, a thin cold sweat broke out on his head, and his eyes were so flustered that he didn't know where to look.


What people fear most will come.

Mu Junjun looked up and saw a person coming in at the door of the ward. This is not who the driver is!

"Slip off!

"Killing me.

"I lied to you before, and told you to take the money! You deserve it!"

"Fast forward, fast forward, I can't wait to see Mu Junjun's dumbfounded look."

"Hurry up, Mu Junjun, you are still doing it here, you're laughing at me to death, do it yourself!

"Mu Junjun, I want you to quickly take out the money, and your end will be better."5

Seeing Mu Junjun's dumbfounded look on the screen, the audience in the live broadcast room almost died of laughter.

At this time, Mu Junjun's head in the picture was about to explode.

His eyes kept turning back and forth between the driver and Li Jun.

The driver just opened the door, and when he saw Li Jun woke up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You finally woke up.

Li Jun was a little confused: "Who are you?"

The driver was also stunned and pointed at Mu Junjun: "Didn't she tell you? I'm...

"He's my brother!

Before the driver could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Junjun.

At this moment, the driver and Li Jun were taken aback at the same time, and they all looked at Mu Junjun with a blank expression.

Mu Junjun has used all his brain cells to explain:

"He's my brother, a distant relative whom you've never met."

"Now I know you were hospitalized in a car accident, so I came to visit.

"Li Jun, wait a second, I have something to tell my brother."

Then he looked at the driver who was still in the circle, pulled the other party's sleeve and dragged him out.

After going out, he also looked into the ward and was relieved after confirming that Li Jun hadn't looked over.

Then he looked at the driver and said, "I'll tell you, don't say that you were the driver who caused the accident before.

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