Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

736: Those near sand sculptures are all sand sculptures

736: Those near sand sculptures are all sand sculptures

As soon as these words came out, the audience in the live broadcast room fell silent for a moment.

But Zhang Meng was restless. He never thought that his always loving boyfriend would say so behind his back.

Especially since she couldn't finish the dishes just now, she ordered so many because she was afraid that Bai Lin would not be full.

At this moment, I feel that all my kindness has been fed to pig liver.

The blood pressure was rising, and she was gasping for breath, her chest violently bullying up and down.

Immediately, he clapped the table and decided: "No, I'm going to the bathroom to find him. I want him to tell me in person what's going on!"5

With that said, he got up and prepared to go to the bathroom.

The audience in the live broadcast room quickly blocked 927:

"Ruthless man!"

"That's the men's bathroom!

"Go straight to the men's bathroom?

"You calm down first and wait for Bai Lin to come back."

"Yes, be careful you haven't found Bai Lin yet, others will catch you as a pervert."

The audience in the live broadcast room was relatively calm, and kept persuading Zhang Meng to wait for a while, not to be so excited and rush to the bathroom directly.

Ye Xuan also opened his mouth and said, "Don't worry, if you go to the bathroom now, you'll be shocked. 35

"Your boyfriend's secret is not over yet, you continue to scroll up on the message record of your mobile phone."

Zhang Meng exclaimed and asked, "It's not over yet?"

"Okay, I'm going to see how many secrets he has kept from me!

Then he took the mobile phone and continued to scroll up, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also very curious, what secrets were there.

His eyes were only fixed on the screen of the mobile phone in Zhang Meng's hand.

The news was recorded on the night of half a month ago.

Bai Lin has sent a lot of messages in the group:

"Brothers, have you ever seen anyone allergic to crab meat?"

"My girlfriend is allergic to crab meat, man, this is the first time I've ever met. 35

"Surprise? Surprise?"

"Anyway, I was very surprised and surprised."

Bai Lin was surprised, but the audience in the live broadcast room was confused:

"Surprise? Surprise?"

"What's so surprising about that?"

"I feel like this Bai Lin has never seen the world. 55

(acej) "Aren't these allergies normal? I'm allergic to crab meat too.

"I'm a doctor, and it's no surprise to see people allergic to various things every day in the hospital."

"Although, I was surprised when I saw someone allergic to crab meat for the first time, but I'm not that stupid like Bai Lin! 99

"Yes, I was a little surprised when I first met him, but Bai Lin's kind is pure stupidity. 35

After the confinement, the audience in the live broadcast room said that although they were a little surprised and surprised, it was not Bai Lin's stupid appearance at all.

At this moment, Zhang Meng continued to scroll up the message record in the camera.

Really fulfills a sentence, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black.

Those near sand sculptures are all sand sculptures.

I saw that in the group of brothers, the attitudes of those brothers and Bai Lin were exactly the same.

"There are people in the world who are allergic to crab meat?"

"I'm so ignorant, I really can't believe there are people who are allergic to crab meat."

"Then she will lose a great joy in her life. 35

At the beginning, the messages that the brothers replied were relatively normal.

But starting from the middle sentence, the style of painting changes suddenly.

I saw a brother with the online name "Women are scum" replied: "I suspect that those people with allergies are hypocritical."

"I knew one before and said she was allergic to UV rays, do you believe it? 99

"There is someone who is allergic to ultraviolet rays. Wouldn't it be better to take her not to live, but to die?

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