Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

735: Are you proud to eat more than boys?

735: Are you proud to eat more than boys?

"Look what I say!"

"Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. This kind of silly white sweet can't play with a scumbag.""

"Child, don't be so full of words when you go out in the future, be careful to slap your face.

"Sure enough, Master Ye has a way, he can even say the password!

"Good guy, I also have two systems, I'm shivering at the moment, for fear that my wife is watching the live broadcast too."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room instantly became confident.

I said just now that Bai Lin must have a problem, but now it is true.

But Zhang Meng still didn't believe it, shook her head and said, "Impossible, Bai Lin won't lie to me."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Whether he lied to you, you can find out if you enter the password and see if you don't."

Zhang Meng paused, struggled for a while, but still entered the password.

"I believe that Bai Lin will never lie to me.

But soon she was slapped in the face, only to see the screen of the mobile phone turn black and bright, and enter a new interface.

The interface is very clean, there is not a single thing, only a WeChat in the middle of the phone screen.

Zhang Meng was stunned, because she had never seen this interface before, which also proved that this phone really has two systems.

Now into another system.

At this moment, Zhang Meng's hands trembled a little.

Take a few deep breaths, click on WeChat, and comfort yourself:

"Nothing at all....

"Nothing at all..

"Nothing at all.....

However, soon she was slapped in the face again.

I saw WeChat on the top, it was a group chat.

The name is called: Gathering Place for Handsome Guys.

Zhang Meng swallowed her saliva and clicked in.

In the latest news record, it is the photo of her and Bai Lin having dinner in a Chinese restaurant just now.

There are seven or eight dishes of various sizes on the table, and Bai Lin directly took pictures of these dishes and posted them in the group.

Still sending a message below.

"Look, look, look!

"This Zhang Meng alone ordered five dishes, five dishes! Five dishes!

"I only ordered two dishes as a man, my God, there are three more dishes than me, do you think this is still a woman!

"Now she's almost fat as a pig, doesn't she take a mirror to look at herself?

"Every time I look at her again and watch her eat, I get full.

Below is the news of those fraternities, a series of hahaha, hahaha.

Zhang Meng's blood pressure has gone up.

Not only Zhang Meng, but also the blood pressure of the female viewers in the live broadcast room has also risen, especially the female viewers who are overweight and can eat more.

Immediately scolded: "" This f*ck is a slap in the face. "

"This is a man, no, it's something to be proud of to eat less than a girl?"

"Dude, I'm shocked, what's so funny, lol you guys are as thin as a pole?

"Looking at these men, I want to slap them directly, laugh and laugh at them.

However, seeing these barrages, the male audiences were not happy and had other opinions:

"You guys are sand sculptures, right? (Zhao promised)"

"Is it a matter of pride to eat more than boys?

"Yes, yes, you are all about to become funny eggs, short and fat, and you can fly to the sky in a single turn.

"It's too lazy to want to lose weight, and it's beautiful to hypnotize yourself to be slightly fat, so don't mess around here.

The war between the audience on both sides is about to break out. You don't let me, and I won't let you. It's about to scold.

Ye Xuan shouted at the right time: "If you scold me again, I will fork you out.

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