Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

467: A Complete Childhood Is Completely Dark

467: A Complete Childhood Is Completely Dark

I saw my father being beaten away by my grandfather.

The water friends all felt extremely happy.

I have been watching Lin Feng's dark childhood.

Let them all seem to be immersed in a sad and sad atmosphere.

But grandpa's move.

and grandma's favor.

Let them see a ray of sunshine in the dark.

Water friends know that.

If it weren't for grandparents.

It is estimated that Lin Feng will not last until now.

The screen ends.

The barrages in the live broadcast room are all 02 praising grandparents.

As if thinking of these two old people who dote on him, Lin Feng also showed a happy smile for the first time.

But soon, his smile froze.

His expression became sad again.

How can the water friends not understand the reason for this.

It's not because the two old people who love him the most have left this world.

I'm afraid that Lin Feng still can't think about it.

The water friends were comforted.

"Xiaofeng, grandparents love you so much, they definitely don't want to see you commit suicide."

"Little brother, don't conflict, you have just been admitted to university, and your life has just begun."

"The past is gone, we always have to look forward, right?"

"Lin Feng, if you have concerns, I can provide you with some help, and no one will disturb you again!

Someone persuaded Lin Feng.

There are also people who want to help him.

But no matter what the method is, I hope Lin Feng can live well.

Ke Lin Feng saw these barrages.

But he shook his head.

Slowly he said, "Thank you, everyone. 99

"But I've made up my mind."9

"The reason why I haven't jumped yet is because of Master Ye. 35

"Indeed, I don't want to leave this world with regrets.

"I want people to know what I'm dying for!"

Not only did Lin Feng not come down from the rooftop.

Instead, it moved to the edge.

Seeing this, not only the water friends were horrified.

Even the parents who had just been exposed to their ugly face were shocked.

The husband and wife quickly said: "Son, calm down!""

Lin Feng glanced at them.

The difference from just now is that this time his eyes were inside.

I can't see any emotion anymore.

It was like looking at two strangers.

This does not prove that he thought about it.

Because of this indifferent look.

It means that Lin Feng no longer has any nostalgia for this world.

But he still asked: "It's clear that my life will not be like this.

"Obviously I have the opportunity to stay away from you.

"But why...why are you coming back?"

"Why do you have to force me to be like this!"

Facing Lin Feng's questioning.

The father said quickly: "Son, don't mess around. 35

"We have something to talk about. Step by step

"I know, your mother and I have done a lot of bad things to you."

"But don't we 757 want to give you a complete childhood just because we realize this?"

"If not, why would we remarry?"

Hear this.

Only then did the water friends know why Lin Fengfeng couldn't let go.

It turned out that when Lin Feng finally got his freedom.

The parents actually took it away abruptly.

A fool can see it now.

Only when Lin Feng is far away from his parents can he truly live a good life.

But these two people, like gangrene attached to the bones, couldn't get rid of them.

Lin Feng even said directly: "Remarriage is to give me a complete childhood?"

"Do you think that completeness is the shadow you brought me?"

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