Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

466: Dare to hit my grandson, I will kill you 1

466: Dare to hit my grandson, I will kill you first

The water friends finally figured it out.

Why Ye Xuan testified to his mother.

The tone of speech was a little strange.

It turned out that her abuse was essentially no different from her father's atrocities.

This also made the water friends scream.

"I was really blind, and I thought my mother had changed for the better, but it really is because the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change! 35

"I think it's better for Lin Feng not to go with his mother, and he can have a full meal every day at the "seven-five-seven" size.

"If you want me to say, I should hand over Lin Feng to my grandparents, and I'd better drive my father out of the house."

"Seriously, if Lin Feng was brought up by his grandparents, he would never be what he is now."

The water friends are right.

The problem is that they can only talk about it.

Because things in the past will not change because of their few words.

It turns out.

Lin Feng is here with his mother.

Although the pain of flesh and blood is avoided.

But often a hungry day is a day.

I often can't sleep well at night.

Even if the mother did not bring the man back.

He was also not allowed to sleep on the bed, only on the sofa.

And in the middle of the night one day.

Mother brought back another man she had never seen before.

You don't need your mother to rush yourself.

Lin Feng consciously carried his schoolbag and went out the door.

That little pitiful back made the water friends couldn't help feeling distressed when they saw it.

Just when he was leaning against the wall, dazed and about to fall asleep.

However, a figure approached quickly.

From childhood experiences, Lin Feng has a strong sense of self-protection.

After opening your eyes.

What he saw was his father's unshaven face.

He stepped back almost subconsciously.

But my father stared at the door with a cold face.

Then he grabbed Lin Feng's hand and left here without any explanation.

He didn't do anything to hurt Lin Feng.

Just took him back to his grandparents' house.

Although only for a few days.

But grandparents seem to be much older.

Seeing Lin Feng's breathless appearance.

Even the eyes are red.

Grandma hugged Lin Feng distressedly, and gave her father a dissatisfied look.

Complained: "What kind of evil is this created!"

"What does the matter between you two have to do with my precious grandson?"

"I tell you, my grandson will follow me and not go anywhere!

Grandma speaks nicely.

But grandpa is not a good temper..

He scolded directly: "You, pack up and get out of here for me!"

"Don't think I don't know what you two have done to Xiaofeng. 39

"This child has nothing to do with you in the future!"

"As long as I'm still alive, it's absolutely impossible for this child to suffer any more grievances!

Grandpa and Grandma's performance.

Excited for sailors.

They all hope that Lin Feng can escape the clutches of his parents.

If it's really like what my grandfather said.

Then Lin Feng's future life will definitely get better slowly.

But my father didn't want to leave.

He opened his mouth and said, "Dad, where do you want me to go in the middle of the night?

"I brought Xiaofeng back, why are you still angry!

Hear what my father said.

Grandpa immediately panicked.

-4.9 reached out and picked up the wooden shoehorn at the door.

He greeted his father with a slap in the face.

Hit and scold.

"You have the nerve to say it."

"If it weren't for you, how could my grandson suffer so much grievance.

"How dare you beat my grandson while we're not here, I'll kill you bastard first! 99

Father is a bit of a conscience.

I dare not fight with my father.

He could only flee in a hurry and ran out of the house.

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