Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

457: These 2 people don't understand tiger poison and don't eat children

457: These two people don't understand tiger poison and don't eat children

Mother hid in the bathroom without speaking.

The more my father thought about it, the more wrong it was.

Even many water friends in the live broadcast room.

They all felt that the mother's retching just now was somewhat like morning sickness.

Although everyone can feel that there seems to be little affection between father and mother.

They usually play their own way.

But anyway, they are still husband and wife in name.

If there is really some scandal.

Then how will my father look up when he is outside.

The more you think about it, the more angry you become.

Father kicked the door open.

He strode in and snatched something directly from his mother's hand.

Take a closer look, what else could be a pregnancy test stick?

And after seeing the two red bars above.

All conjectures are confirmed.

The mother hurriedly grabbed the father and explained: "Listen to me, this is the night, the two of us..."

Don't wait for her to finish.

Father slapped the past.

He literally bleed the corners of his mother's mouth.

The blue veins on his forehead popped out, and he scolded angrily: "Stinky bitch!

"It's okay if you fool around outside, how can you still do this kind of thing now?

"You're going to make a living joke to kill me, aren't you?"

"Don't say it's mine, how many times has Laozi touched you since we got married?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, Laozi just thinks you are dirty!

Mothers are not the type to be submissive.

In addition, the father's words are indeed very ugly.

Immediately, the mother also became angry.

He shouted loudly, "You're not going to die! 35

"What is the old lady doing outside, is it your turn to take care of it? 35

"I just gave you a cuckold, what's wrong?"

"You stop doing these things outside?"

"Think of me as dirty? My mother is afraid that you will pass on those diseases to me!

The two refused to give in to each other, and the words they said became more and more ugly.

The sound of this quarrel also woke the sleeping Xiao Lin Feng.

Hear this wow cry.

Father rushed out directly.

The big hand directly grabbed Xiao Lin Feng's neck.

Abruptly he held him in the air.

Angrily scolded: "And this bastard. 35

"I wondered if he was my child at first."

"Looking now, I still don't know which wild man I helped take the blame!"

his move.

But it scared the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Everyone knows the allusion that tiger poison does not eat its children.

Tell the truth.

Even if Xiao Lin Feng is not his father's biological son.

But he is also innocent.

His father's strength is so great, let alone cry when Xiao Lin Feng was photographed.

The whole little face turned blue and purple.

After all, the child was born to the mother in October.

The water friends all believed that the mother would come forward to stop the atrocities of the father.

But who knows.

The mother was leaning against the bathroom door.

Coldly said: "Yes, what's wrong with him being a wild species."

"If you don't want 757, you can just drop him to death! 35

Father was furious.

And it's like he's completely lost his mind.

He was about to throw Xiao Linfeng to the ground.

Fortunately, the grandparents who went out to buy vegetables came back at this time.

Just seeing his father's actions, he immediately stopped him loudly.

"Bastard, what are you doing, put my grandson down!

Grandpa yelled loudly.

Grandma hurried forward and took Xiao Linfeng away.

The pinch marks on Xiaolinfeng's neck are clearly visible.

Let the water friends can not help but feel distressed.

Fortunately, no bigger accident happened.

This reassured them.

But at the same time.

I am also very dissatisfied with the behavior of my parents.

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