Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

456: It doesn't matter if you don't understand, no sense of responsibility is the big deal

456: It doesn't matter if you don't understand, no sense of responsibility is the big deal

She swayed "Seven Five Seven" on the dance floor, who could believe that she had just given birth to a child not long ago.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like he's making money.

The mother is watching TV.

The water friends also did not forget to comfort Lin Feng.

Quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

Was about to say something.

The words came out.

Although Lin Feng listened to what his grandfather said, it was the truth.

There was a disco.

Ye Xuan didn't give them this chance.

when blaming parents.

Parents don't look like they go to work.

Parents, faced with condemnation, do not know what to say.

The parents were startled, and then seemed to think of something.

As for the mother.

But when the screen turns.

Came to the bathroom door.

His face was instantly ugly.

Father turned his head and glanced strangely, at first he didn't care.

But the sound of vomiting continued.

They condemned on the barrage.

"Didn't you swear and say that you are going out to make money? The place of work is Internet cafes and discos?"

Immediately activated the red dust beads.

When you are pregnant, you can be said to be young and impulsive.

What Lin Feng said was true.

Instead, he said: "You can learn what you don't know.

But Ye Xuan's meaning is not just these meanings on the surface.

Still choose to deceive.

Those who already had children saw it right away.

It is clear who is who and who is wrong.

"Why on earth can you do such an outrageous thing?"

And one is looking for money from home.

But the child has already been born, and it is a bit excessive to use this excuse.

The screen ends here.

Water friends all feel very reasonable 0..

"You are such an old man, do you know what responsibility is?

Now the water friends can be sure.

But that can't be said.

But the mother looked at it, but suddenly retched.

These two people really have no self-consciousness as parents.

But she winked like the slightest, not shy about being a married woman...

"People who become parents come from a young age, don't use youth as an excuse, this theory doesn't hold at all!"

He actually left the child at home unnoticed and ran out to play by himself!

Just listen to him continue: "I want to ask you very much, when the child is only a few months old. 99

The sailors were angry.

This immediately made everyone disgusted with them.

this day.

"Little handsome guy, although your parents are unreliable, you can't help but think about it, right?

But it is still far from the level of suicide.

The water friends saw their father roaring in the Internet cafe.

After all, most jobs don't require a suit.

Obviously, these two people do not know what responsibility is.

My father was lying on the bed bored.

It should have been four or five months.

But the parents did not accept the first lesson.

Although the water friends have seen it.

Want to see what's going on.

It's just that he seems to be much bigger than before.

Lin Feng was silent.

Because it's not a matter of age at all, but a matter of whether there is a sense of responsibility.

I had to ask, "What's the matter with you?"

Everyone saw Xiao Lin Feng once again.

It is rare for two people to know that looking after children at home is really not easy at 4.9.

Follow the baby's normal growth rate.

The other one was flirting with other men.

There were many men around her.

"But not only do you not even have the will to learn, but you also act nonsense, isn't it a bit unreasonable?

And just jumping isn't enough.

But Ye Xuan did not remain silent.

Strangely, he pushed the door, only to find that the door was locked inside.

With parents like that, anyone would be miserable.

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