453: Who is the liar?

Hear Ye Xuan say that.

The expressions of the parents were a little weird.

And when the red dust beads began to run, the picture slowly emerged.

Their expressions finally became solemn.

A woman with heavy makeup appeared in the picture.

Although there are some differences, it can be seen that she is when Lin Feng's mother was young.

Just judging from her dress and makeup, she doesn't seem like a lady.

And at this moment, there was a man standing beside her.

It is also the same as Lin Feng's father.

But the two seemed to be arguing at this time.

I just heard my mother say with tears in her eyes: "Do you have a conscience?

"The child is obviously yours, why don't you admit it!"

"If you don't want to be responsible, what are you doing!"

Compared to the excited mother.

Father is much calmer.

In a mocking tone, he said: "Okay, why cry?

"Do you have to make me say something so ugly?""

"What kind of you are, you have no idea~||?""

"Who knows who this wild breed belongs to and wants me to be the pick-up man, but what you think is beauty. 99

This is not only a mockery, but even an insult.

The mother, however, does not seem to intend to argue the issue.

He just opened his mouth and said, "I went for a checkup, and the doctor said that I am three months pregnant."

"And three months ago, I was with you all the time."

"Who else is it that isn't yours! 35

"Besides, what right do you have to say to me?

"If you hadn't gone to another woman, how could I have broken up with you!

It is not difficult to hear from the dialogue between the two.

The two of them were not married at this time, just broke up the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

And the private life of the two people is not so prudent.

The father may have been annoyed by the mother.

He said directly: "Okay, if you are pregnant, you will be pregnant."

"It's not the first time."

"You are looking for me just because you want me to take money to kill this child."

"Don't tell me you really intend to hold me accountable.

The mother did not deny it.

Just said: "Since you all know, why return the ink for a long time?"

The two made a decision.

Immediately leave for the hospital here.

At the door of the obstetrics department.

When preparing to go in.

Father seemed to have suddenly discovered something and turned around to run.

But he was misunderstood by his mother that he wanted to escape, and held him tightly.

This delay, naturally, something happened.

A middle-aged man with glasses came over.

He asked his father directly: "Obstetrics and gynecology? What are you doing here!"

The father lowered his head and dared not speak.

The middle-aged man looked at his mother and saw that she was holding a list in her hand.

Involuntarily grabbed it.

Seeing this, his eyes widened instantly.


"What's the matter!

Needless to say, this middle-aged man should be Lin Feng's grandfather.

The father took the mother to have an abortion, and was caught by the grandfather.

What else is there to say?

For the older generation, let alone pregnancy.

Even if something happens between a man and a woman, it must be married.

(Zhao Li Zhao) So the grandfather found the mother's parents directly, and the two discussed it.

I was about to marry my father and mother.

But consider the reputation issue.

Just let two people get the certificate, but the banquet and wedding banquet are not mentioned.

After all, if it were spread out, it was said that the two had children before they got married.

Wouldn't their old face be lost?

But these are not important.

Because from these fragments.

It has already been confirmed that the liar is not Lin Feng.

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