Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

452: If it wasn't for grandparents, then there would be no me

452: If it wasn't for grandparents, then there would be no me

It is not difficult to tell from the voices of this man and woman.

It should be Lin Feng's parents who came here.

The water friends also spoke at this time.

Persuaded: "Lin Feng, although your grandfather passed away, but you still have parents, don't forget about it!

"What has no hope and purpose, if you die, what will your parents do?"

"Child, there is nothing that can't be overcome, after all, you still have parents, don't you? 35

"Little brother, to tell you the truth, brother, I also have times when I can't think of it, 02 But for the sake of my parents, I still have to live!

The water friends all used Lin Feng's parents as an excuse to persuade him not to commit suicide.

But right now.

Lin Feng, who saw the barrage, showed a miserable smile.

Seeing his parents coming over, his originally peaceful appearance instantly turned hideous.

He yelled, "Don't come here!"

"You take one step further, and I'll jump right off!"

Parents had to stop.

Lin Feng looked at the barrage again and said angrily, "Do you know why I jumped off the building?"

"It's because of the two of them!

"If it wasn't for them, how could I have this idea!"

"I could still live for my grandpa before!

"But now that my grandfather has passed away, what reason do I have to live!"

Father frowned and was about to say something.

But his mother grabbed him, took out his mobile phone, and entered Ye Xuan's live broadcast room.

Sure enough, I saw my son making a connection.

So he immediately said: "What nonsense are you kid!"

"Aren't Mom and Dad good enough for you?"

After the father got the hint from his wife, he also reacted.

He reprimanded: "Stinky boy, do you know?"

"When your mother was pregnant with you, she had to walk carefully for fear of bumping."

"Aren't you afraid of chilling our hearts when you say this now?

After hearing what my parents said.

Lin Feng was heartbroken.

He knew that his mother knew that he always watched Master Ye's live broadcast.

So when I saw myself talking to my phone, I thought of this possibility.

Otherwise, why are they talking nonsense with their eyes open?

But since I want to say it today, let me say it clearly!

Let the two million water friends in the live broadcast room take a good look.

In this world, there are still such disgusting parents!

So he directly retorted: "Cold your heart?"

"Then have you managed my mood?"

"nice to me?"

"Then why did my grandparents tell me, if they hadn't stopped me in the first place.

"I can't even appear in this world!"

Parents hear.

His face changed slightly.

The mother hurriedly said: "You child, why do you say anything!

"It's not that you don't know, your grandparents are always confused, what's so strange about saying such things?"

Lin Feng's face was terribly ugly.

Before he could speak, Ye Xuan said, "Lin Feng's parents, you should be in the live broadcast room, right?"

hear this voice.

Mother immediately picked up the phone.

Then Ye Xuan continued: "I think it's better to tell the truth at this time.39

"The knot in the heart can't be solved with lies, what do you think?

Both parents frowned.

Maybe in their opinion, this is their family business.

And Ye Xuan is just an outsider, it's not his turn to make irresponsible remarks here.

But the mother still said: "I said, this is nothing.

After hearing his mother's voice from Lin Feng's side.

Ye Xuan sighed softly.

He said, "Since you don't admit it, let's see it with our own eyes.

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