433: A wolf in sheep's clothing

"Probably should also know what to do next?"

Tu Tu fills his mouth with words that reverse black and white.

The construction of vegetable greenhouses outside the village has come to an end.

Brother Xu glared at Tu Tu.

see here.

Having said so much just now, I just wanted to delay time.

Several people had to choose to give in.

After a long silence.

Can't help but ask loudly: "Tu Tu, what are you doing!"

But Tu Tu continued: "Of course, if you want to continue playing, you can.

He said condescendingly: "Brother Xu, what you said is wrong."

Others got in on the action too.

The young man from before was hit the hardest.

In addition to indifference, there was no other emotion in Tu Tu's eyes.

But I didn't expect this woman to have reached this level.

Now, apart from gasping for breath, he can't move at all.

It seemed to be a signal.

This woman is not only perfect in her acting skills.

"It's all Zhang Jiajun's idea!

Then he said, "I understand.

After Zhang Jiajun ordered his younger brother to stop.

Get up and walk in front of Big Brother Xu.

When Brother Xu heard the words, his hatred eyes could not help but go out.

He directly beat Big Brother Xu and the others.

Brother Xu and everyone else have to argue.

Still don't know what crazy things she can do.

But Zhang Jiajun raised his hand and smashed it down with a stick.

They all grew up together.

Brother Xu and the others did not even go home, but chose to go back to the city directly.

They are all from the same village.

You can paint yourself.

That's a matter of personal safety.

"It's all from the same village, are you still planning to silence us?"

Big Brother Xu and the others obviously did not expect that Tu Tu could treat them like this.

"It's obvious that you came to trouble me first, so why are you blaming me now?

"You're forcing me to admit things that don't exist.

And the picture reflected by the red dust beads also ends here.

It's really that time.

"Of course I have to object."

"I'm not going to be nosy anymore.""

Now it's nothing more than losing some money.

He wasn't going to confess.

"But you don't listen, and you are still ready to do it. My friend came to protect me. Is there any problem~||?"

After all, they are now covered in scars, and it is not easy to explain when they go back.

Friends found out.

That's it (Zhao's).

"Next time, I won't be looking for you."

Only then did Tu Tu say: "Brother Xu, I believe you are quite wise.

"If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple."

His face was covered in blood now, and he looked very ferocious.

They don't know Tu Tu at all.

If you really offend you with Tu Tu.

Therefore, it can be seen that none of the people brought by Zhang Jiajun are easy to provoke.

Where is the original harmless look of humans and animals?

Under the threat of Tu Tu.

You can tell from his wicked look.

It is because they have been in the city for many years.

"But you better not forget.

It directly caused Brother Xu to let out a miserable howl, and then curled up into a ball.

But at this moment, he suddenly said: You can't blame me for these things!"

It is estimated that she thought early in the morning that someone would be able to see through it.

Tu Tu heard the words.

Know that Tu Tu has a scheming.

The heart has become even more vicious.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all fried.

Tu Tu is clearly using the relatives of these people as a threat.

As if these people were just strangers.

So prepare these people.

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