Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

432: Treat you as a smart person, you can't do this either

432: Treat you as a smart person, you can't do this either

This big brother Xu speaks very well.

I don't want to be as impulsive as a young man.

He didn't directly name how many disgusting things Tu Tu did.

He just told her euphemistically that there was no need to dress up, he knew very well what was going on.

Including how much money she embezzled in it.

in addition.

The reason why he didn't say so clearly.

In fact, it is to save face for Tu Tu.

The villagers really do not understand these things.

Let Tu Tu come forward, and you can get twice the result with half the effort, and you can even fight for some more benefits.

Of course, it is not for Tu Tu to do this for nothing.

She can take some money in it, but not so much.

Because according to her current situation.

The villagers can't even get the most basic security, let alone the future.

Logically speaking.

They have all come to the door.

There is also some leeway.

It is enough to retreat when Tu Tu knows the difficulty.

But she just said: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"If you think you can do it, you can do these things in my place."5

"Now what do you mean.

"Let me admit to something I clearly didn't do?"

"Oh, I get it!"

"Do you know that there is no compensation at all.

"You said that on purpose, you want me to get money to subsidize it?

"I have the idea of ​​developing the village, but I am not taking advantage of it!

A good trick out of nothing.

A few words over.

All these young people who came to the door were all attributed to bad people.

And she Tu Tu is the idiot who was scolded for doing good deeds.

The young man couldn't sit still.

Pointing at Tu Tu's nose, he scolded, "What the hell are you doing!""

"Obviously there is compensation money, but you are all black, what are you pretending to be here now!"

"I'm still talking to you right now.

"You better be honest.

It's not just young men who are angry.

The same goes for several others.

Can't blame them either.

After all, the evidence is solid, but Tu Tu is still playing stupid here.

How could they not be angry?

But Tu Tu was leaning on the chair.

looked at them indifferently.

Then the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

With a weird smile, he said: "I'm not honest, what can you do?

"A group of big men, bullying me, a girl, do you still want your face?"

"And. 35

"You take care too much.

"Isn't it good to work outside to be honest?

"Have to come back to this muddy water.

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me.

Seeing Tu Tu so arrogant and domineering.

The young man couldn't take it any longer.

But just as he was about to rush over, he was pulled by that big brother Xu.

He angrily wanted to shake Big Brother Xu away, but when he turned his head, he saw a group of people standing at the door.

Staring at them with unkind eyes.

And the leader was the man who had been with 740 Tutu all the time.

Several people suddenly felt bad.

Brother Xu even asked: "Tu Tu, what do you mean?

Tu Tu smiled and said, "It doesn't make any sense.

"Brother Xu, I always thought you were a smart person. 35

"Unexpectedly, your brain is not very bright.

"Since you know what I've done, do you still think I have no other preparations?"

"Don't forget, these are all brought by you, don't blame me."

"Jiajun, why don't you do it?"

Zhang Jiajun heard the words.

Just wave your hand.

The group of people at the back rushed up, and instantly subdued Brother Xu and the others.

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