Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

416: If I really love you, how can I give you to others

416: If I really love you, how can I give you to others

No question.

For Zhang Jiajun, Tu Tu is a tool for making money.

She is the only one who still thinks blindly.

The two really liked each other at first.

So after seeing the barrage of water friends who are not angry.

She is still fighting for it.

"It's not what you said.

"Although Jiajun defrauded all my money."

"But once he really loved me!""

Hear this.

The water friends seemed to have nothing to do but sigh.

But Ye Xuan said indifferently: "You said he really loves you?

Tu Tu immediately nodded "740".

But his face suddenly darkened, and he murmured: "Although I don't know what happened later. 39

"But it must have been in the first place. 35

A smile appeared on Ye Xuan's mouth.

But this smile seems more like a mockery.

"If I really love you."

"Why would he do something to give you up to someone else?"

"Or, have you forgotten what happened back then? 35

"I also forgot the one who kept giving you gifts. 55

"And the one who defiled you!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room changed immediately.

The water friends swiped question marks on the public screen one after another.

Obviously surprised by this.

They all know.

Many local tyrants give gifts to female anchors for some impure purposes.

And what happened between those female anchors and local tyrants.

It is also something that passers-by and water friends talk about.

But according to what they know about Tu Tu.

She is definitely not one who will do anything to make money.

Even sacrificing his own innocence.

Can scratch his head in front of the camera.

It was her bottom line.

But Ye Xuan never said such groundless words.

Since he said it, it can only prove that everything is true.

So, everyone looked directly at Tu Tu.

Her face changed instantly, turning pale.

Even his body trembled involuntarily.

Obviously, some bad memories came back.

This also completely verifies the authenticity of Ye Xuan's words.

But she still said, "No...that matter has nothing to do with Jiajun!""

"It's that person!"

"It's all that person's fault!"

The person in Tu Tu's mouth should be the local tyrant who painted gifts.

Look at her frightened look.

The water friends were all curious.

What happened in the first place.

Could it be that Tu Tu was really...

Ye Xuan was still indifferent.

Slowly said: "What is going on, I think you should know better than anyone else.

"But since you deny it."

"Then why don't you come and have a look."5

The red dust beads emit light.

The screen slowly emerged.

But this time, it was not the dilapidated rental house before.

But in a duplex room of medium size.

Tu Tu, who was wearing a sexy short skirt, sat down panting.

Obviously just danced.

The special effects of expensive gifts are fleeting.

Tu Tu arrived immediately: "Thank you for the gift, big brother!"

"Brothers, come and help me to thank the parents of our family!

Anyone who watches live broadcasts knows that.

Some anchors like to call local tyrants who often brush gifts in the live broadcast room as parents.

This is an honorific title, and it is also to bring closer the relationship with the local tyrants.

After the local tyrant finished brushing the gifts.

Immediately asked Tu Tu to give him Lianmai.

Obviously this is not the first time.

After Lianmai 0..

Just listen to the local tyrant: "Tu Tu, I'm going to your place on a business trip recently."

"Do you have to entertain me then?

Tu Tu immediately smiled and said, "That's of course.""

"Brother, when are you coming? I'll treat you to dinner!"

Many fans started booing.

In a joking tone, he said that the local tyrant had other purposes.

The tyrant doesn't care either.

Instead, he laughed and said, "Brothers, why are you so suspicious of my character?

"Otherwise, when I get there, let Tu Tu give you an outdoor live broadcast."5

"By the way, how about you supervise it?"

Local tyrants without pretensions are the favorite of fans.

Hearing the local tyrant say this, he naturally laughed.

And Tu Tu also said: "Brothers, our parents are my dad fans. 95

"How could you possibly think about those things.

"You guys are just naughty!"

have to say.

Tutu's live broadcasts are already consummate.

Even on such a sensitive topic.

They were all taken by her in three or two sentences.

At the same time, it also made the atmosphere of live broadcast 4.9 better.

Even fans think so.

This local tyrant may just drop by to see Tu Tu at work.

and not for any other purpose.


Tu Tu went live.

Then he went to the bedroom on the second floor and said to Zhang Jiajun who was inside: "Jiajun, eldest brother said he wanted to come to me."

"He gave me so many gifts, I want to invite him to a meal, will you accompany me then?

"You are now nominally the general manager of the live broadcast room, and many brothers also know you.

"If you go with me, no one will say anything.

Hear this.

Zhang Jiajun smiled.

Nodding: "Okay, of course it's fine.

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