415: What he told you must be true?

Things in this world are often very easy to see through.

Just like this moment.

The water friends also understand ~ Zhang Jiajun's idea.

Many people say that money is - son of a bitch.

But how many people don't like money?

Only when they can't make money, they will say those nasty words and big truths.

When you really see money, you lose all principles and opinions.

Then want to get more money.

This is called greed.

Don't look at Tu Tu saying now, as long as he makes enough money, he will stop the live broadcast.

But when she just twisted her waist, she casually showed a few provocative expressions.

If you say a few more words, you can earn tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

It is estimated that her own mentality will undergo a great change.

The screen turns again.

Tu Tu was twisting towards the phone.

It seems to be very skilled.

There is absolutely no tension and shyness at the beginning.

And Zhang Jiajun's injuries are all healed at the moment.

Just sitting outside the screen, watching Tu Tu with great interest.

see here.

It just verified everyone's guess.

This smear, after all, is still a routine.

Zhang Jiajun's phone vibrated.

He glanced at it, then walked quietly to the bathroom.

"Hello? It's me.

"Well, the plan is very smooth, you can see it by watching the live broadcast yourself."

"What's this, it's just a little money as a gift."

"Signing fee? Of course not told her! 35

"This stupid woman doesn't even know about the signing fee.

"Although he is a newcomer, the guild has given him a full 300,000 yuan."


Although he didn't know who was on the other side of the phone, he said something.

But from Zhang Jiajun's own words.

Also let the water friends hear a lot of key information.

For example, the signing fee of 300,000 yuan!

The screen ends here.

The sailors agreed.

Tu Tu is a typical example of someone who was sold and helped to count the money.

"Special mother, the signing fee of 300,000 yuan, this guy has all been hacked?"

"Although Zhang Jiajun is a bastard, he did not say anything wrong, Tutu this woman is really stupid!

"He looks so good, how can he be so stupid, being played around by this bastard. 35

"I don't think Tu Tu is stupid, but Zhang Jiajun's level is too high!"

"This guy is really not a simple character. With such a brain, it's not good to use it in any way, but he just deceives others!""

Although Zhang Jiajun is not a good thing.

But while the water friends scolded him, they also had to admit that his methods were indeed somewhat powerful.

It can make people unknowingly fall into his trap and conspiracy.

But some water friends think so.

Zhang Jiajun just used Tu Tu's feelings.

The means are powerful, but not clever.

Because that is, the painting is relatively simple.

Changed to a more shrewd girl, he would never be so smooth.

Tu Tu in the live broadcast room at the moment.

Obviously heard Zhang Jiajun's last phone call.

Naturally, I also know about the signing fee.

Watching the barrage of water friends fighting for her.

But she said slowly: "This is not true. 99

"Before the live broadcast, I signed a contract."

“There is no mention of the signing fee at all. 35

"Jiajun may just say that to others for some reason!

To Tu Tu's act of covering up Zhang Jiajun.

The water friends were angry and helpless.

It's nothing new for this woman to be deceived.

0.・Ask for flowers・

Just look at how she looks now.

But then think about it.

As a party to the contract, things like the signing fee will definitely be written on the contract.

But Tu Tu didn't know.

That can only prove one point.

What she signed was nothing more than a fake contract.

The water friends are suspicious.

Hearing Ye Xuan say: "The contract, does it state how long the live broadcast will be?

"And what is the minimum number of hours of live streaming per day?"

Tu Tu was stunned for a moment, then seriously thought about it.

After a while, he said, "If I remember correctly."


"The contract states that the live broadcast will last for three years, with a minimum of thirty hours of live broadcast per week. 39

"Ke Jiajun said that these are indifferent things.

"It's just a formality, don't care at all.

Ye Xuan smiled.

The water friends also suddenly realized.

Most of them like to watch live broadcasts, and naturally they know a lot of the doorways.

Many new anchors do not need to join the guild at all, and even if they join, there are no conditions.

That's because the two sides have not had any exchanges of interests.

But the situation with Tu Tu is different.

She took the signing fee.

To put it simply, she got the money first, so she would naturally be restrained by the guild and act according to the agreement.

Otherwise, it is a breach of contract! It is to be dealt with in accordance with the contract.

the rest.

No need for Ye Xuan to ask.

The water friends have already thought about it.

Tu Tu, this silly woman, is afraid that she will live her life every day.

After completing the content of the contract, isn't it within your grasp?

Even if she can't.

It is estimated that Zhang Jiajun will also come out with some moths to force her to complete the contract.

After all, it involves his own income Fan.

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