309: Is this still the inhumane devil?

outside the classroom.

The head teacher stood in front of the mother and son of the gangsters.

He asked politely, "This lady.

"The Li Qing you mentioned is a student in our class."

"Do you think there is any misunderstanding here, why don't we sit down and talk in another place?"

Mother looked up and down the head teacher with bad eyes.

Then he said disdainfully, "The head teacher, right?

"There is no need to change the place, the thing is that Li Qing beat my son."

"Look, the bridge of the nose has been interrupted, what kind of hatred?"

"Do you need such a ruthless hand?"

"I tell you, this person is from your school, if you don't give me an explanation, we won't be finished today!

The head teacher frowned slightly.

Because the other party is obviously not a solution attitude.

After a moment of indifference.

She continued: "Ma'am, as far as I know, Li Qing is a child with excellent academic performance."

"It shouldn't be hitting people for no reason. 35

"I think there must be some misunderstanding here.

There are many classmates who know Li Qing next to him.

He followed suit and said, "That's right, Li Qing has such a good temper, how could he possibly fight!"5

"I was in the same school as Li Qing in elementary school, and he never did anything out of the ordinary. 99

"Li Qing has always been a three-good student, this is pure slander!

"I would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than Li Qing to fight for no reason. 99

In fact, from the words of the head teacher and the students.

You can see how Li Qing usually behaves.

this time.

No one sings the opposite.

All believe that Li Qing is innocent.

And even from the standpoint of a bystander.

One is a good boy with excellent character and study, and the other is a sloppy little gangster.

Although it is wrong to say that people are judged by their appearance.

But it can also tell at a glance who is right and who is wrong.

But right now.

Li Qing rushed over.

The little bastard immediately pointed at him and said angrily, "Mom, that bastard beat me up~||!"

The mother sees her son's identification.

Without further ado, he gestured to slap Li Qing in the face.

Between the electric light and flint, there was a "pop" sound.

The mother's hand did not slap Li Qing's face, but was blocked by the head teacher's arm.

This time it was powerful.

The head teacher's arm quickly became red and swollen.

Li Qing and the surrounding classmates were stunned.

The devil in their mouths would actually come forward at such a time.

Fighting to hurt himself, Li Qing will not be hurt.

"Female... teacher, are you alright?"

Li Qing subconsciously almost called out the devil.

But the head teacher ignored his arm and asked, "Li Qing, what's going on?"5

"Did you hit someone?

"to be frank!"

Li Qing knew that as long as he said it himself, he didn't beat people.

Then the head teacher and classmates will firmly choose to believe him.

But Li Qing can't do such a thing, a man, he just has to be brave.

So he nodded and said, "I beat the people.

"But there's a reason for that.

"It was he who robbed my brother first, and when I went to him for a theory, he made a rude remark.55

"Not only insulted my family with all kinds of swear words, but also threatened me, saying that when I was away, I would beat my brother."

"I moved my hand out of anger."

The little gangster's mother admitted it as soon as he heard it.

Immediately, he said: "I hear it, he admits that he beat someone.

"You're still going to cover up him, aren't you?

The head teacher looked at Li Qing blankly.

Even the indignant classmates just now were silent.

The Lord has admitted it, what else can they do?

And the students know it.

According to the usual character of the head teacher.

Li Qing will definitely be handed over directly, and then he will go about his business.

When the atmosphere is a little frozen.

The little gangster's mother said to her son: What are you doing?

"Hurry up and call the police!

"I don't care if you are a good student or not, you can't beat my son if you dare.

"You are ready to go to the prison to study!"

The gangster immediately followed suit, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

But right now.

The head teacher suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"Whatever the reason, it's definitely not right to hit someone first.

"It's just that this kid is now in his third year of high school, if this kind of thing is involved. 35

"It will have a great impact on his college entrance examination results, and there will be a big turning point in his life after that."

"Can you see if you can change the solution?" (Wang Nuo good)

The head teacher's tone that seemed to be subdued made Li Qing and all the classmates stunned.

Originally thought she would be official.

Unexpectedly, he is usually a person who is not friendly and very arrogant.

He would actually bow his head for Li Qing at such a time!

But the little gangster's mother said, "Another solution?

"You are dreaming!"

"If you dare to beat my son, I just want to destroy him, how about it! 99

The people around were all angry.

Where can there be such an unreasonable one.


Looking at the little bastard, it doesn't seem to be much, and the injury is not very serious.

Seeing that the little gangster is about to get on the phone and delete it.

The head teacher's face darkened.

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