Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

308: The devil will save me? I don't believe it

308: The devil will save me? I don't believe it

Li Qing felt that Ye Xuan was joking just now.

After hearing this, he obviously thought he was talking nonsense.

"Master Ye, if you can't count it, it doesn't matter.

"After all, there is no birth date, and there is no such thing as a face.

"I know that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice."

"It's just that there's no need to perfunctory me in this way?"5

"Just like our head teacher.

"It's not bad if she doesn't cheat on me, and save me? It's impossible!"

"What's more, I'm honestly going to school now, what do I need her to save?"

"Could it be that there is still danger in the school?"

It can be seen from Li Qing's answer.

Although he is very young, his thinking logic is very clear.

And speak with reason.

If you work as a lawyer in the future, it will definitely be handy.

The water friends 02 in the live broadcast room all pricked up their ears, ready to listen to what Ye Xuan had to say.

According to what they know about Ye Xuan.

This master will never talk nonsense, and he will not fabricate anything.

Since he said so.

It must be justified.


Ye Xuan looked at Li Qing's confident look.

He also smiled faintly.

Then he said: "Li Qing, a senior in high school, has always been in the top ten in terms of academic performance, and is also very good at sports."5

"I learned guitar, taekwondo, etc. as a child, and I'm still studying it now.

"And also participated in some professional competitions and got good results.

"These...are all right?"

The water friends stared blankly at Li Qing as well.

I didn't expect this handsome guy to be so powerful.

Not only is he good at learning, but his athletic ability is also so outstanding, and he is also very accomplished in musical instruments.

And Li Qing was stunned.

It's because he didn't say anything.

Even without introducing the name, this Master Ye can say it is not bad.

But Ye Xuan's words were obviously not finished.

Not waiting for Li Qing to respond.

He continued: "There is one more thing.

"Yesterday at noon, you beat a gangster because you helped your brother out."

"Is this correct?"

Li Qing can't even admire him now.

This matter, except for the younger brother and those students in his school.

Even the parents don't know.

But Ye Xuan is very clear.

All previous suspicions turned into adoration, and he immediately said excitedly: "Master Ye, that's right."9

"Yesterday I did beat a little gangster!"

"It's because he stole my brother's money, I'm not trying to find trouble."

Li Qing was afraid that others would misunderstand that he was a fighting character, so he explained.

Ye Xuan nodded, understanding what he meant.

"That's not what I'm talking about.

"You weren't surprised just now, why did I say that your head teacher is going to save you soon?"

"That's because, you broke that little bastard's nose yesterday."

"His mother is coming to school soon to ask you for an explanation. 99

heard here.

Li Qing had an upright and awe-inspiring look.

"It was he who was at fault first, what do you want me to say?"

"Could it be that he stole my brother's money, should I turn a blind eye?

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly.

He knew that Li Qing didn't think he had done anything wrong.

But still patiently said: "He has done something wrong, and naturally there are many solutions. 35

"And what you choose is the lowest among them. 35

"You have a good mind, and if you want to solve this, you should be able to use a smarter way.

"Simply put, you are right in reason, but in principle, your behavior is not to be encouraged. 99

Li Qing was not angry when he heard this.

Because he understood that what Ye Xuan said was right.

In any case, it would be wrong to hit someone by yourself first.

Because it does not comply with laws and regulations.

Just when he was about to go on talking.

Suddenly there was a roar outside the window.

"Li Qing, get out of here for my mother!"

"Dare to beat my son, you are crazy!"

"And the leaders of your school are listening to me.

"The students here have broken the bridge of my son's nose."

"Don't hide from people, come out and give me an explanation!"

All the students ran to the window and looked out.

I saw a woman around forty years old, with a little gangster who was flowing and had bandages on her face.

Standing downstairs screaming.

They don't know the mother and son.

But Li Qing knew it, because that little bastard was the guy who robbed his younger brother and beat him up.

"Li Qing, who is that? What are you looking for?"

"Yes, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"By the way, Li Qing, did you go out at noon yesterday? Could it have something to do with this?

"Look, the devil has passed, this is over, Li Qing, you're going to be out of luck.

Li Qing did not expect that Ye Xuan's words would be verified so quickly.

But in his view.

This is his personal behavior and has nothing to do with the school.

Thinking of this.

He turned and ran outside.

Seeing this, the other students looked at each other, and all rushed down after them.

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