Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

302: Aren't you tired since the beginning of the show?

302: Aren't you tired since the beginning of the show?

The water friends all felt inexplicable.

Obviously she was talking about her mother-in-law.

Why did this suddenly lead to Zhang Jiajia's derailment?

In fact, it is not difficult to think about it.

The mother-in-law was deliberately changing the subject because the matter was exposed.

Derailment is such a thing, it's not clear.

Even if there is no evidence, black and white can still be reversed.

The husband thought he was very smart.

He also regarded Ye Xuan as the adulterer.

This made a lot of water friends feel injustice.

"Bastard, what are you talking about, insulting our Great God Ye, I think you don't want to live anymore.

"You're a wild man like "693", if you dare to scold again, Laozi will tear your mouth apart!""

"It's obviously your mother who did something wrong, and now you're throwing dirty water on your wife, why can't you understand?"

"Are you really a man? Filial piety is right, but does your wife deserve to be wronged?"

"Many men who mediate the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are all rubbish!

The water friends yelled.

But Ye Xuan didn't care about such slander.

He just looked at his furious husband.

He smiled and said, "Did you cheat?"

"I don't think it exists otherwise.

As soon as this is said.

Even the sailors were stunned.

Could it be that Master Ye really has something to do with this Zhang Jiajia?

And the husband heard this.

He also made up his mind, and immediately said: "Have you seen it!

"Your adulterer has admitted it, what else do you have to say!

Zhang Jiajia looked at Ye Xuan in confusion.

She really just wanted to wash away those smears on her body, so she decided to find Ye Xuan temporarily.

Before that, they didn't know each other at all.

But why does Ye Xuan say that?

"Master Ye, you are..."

Zhang Jiajia asked in confusion.

Ye Xuan interrupted her as soon as he raised his hand.

"Don't worry.""

"I'm just saying it's real."

"But I didn't say it was the two of us that had the problem.


Ye Xuan looked at her husband.

He murmured: "Sir, are you right? 35

"If you want to play the trick of calling a thief to catch a thief, shouldn't you also choose the right person?"

"Millions of viewers in the live room are watching."

"What's wrong with you, you think I'm having an affair with your wife?"

Hear Ye Xuan say that.

The water friends finally breathed a sigh of relief.

for a long time.

They have already become Ye Xuan's iron fans.

They would rather believe that the sky will fall than to believe that Ye Xuan's character design will collapse.

Sure enough, everything was just a misunderstanding.

But, what does that thief call to catch a thief mean?

Since the derailment does exist, it is not Zhang Jiajia's problem.


Everyone suddenly realized.

Even Zhang Jiajia immediately figured out the meaning of Ye Xuan's words.

And her husband's face froze.

Stumblingly said: "Hu... nonsense!

"How could I possibly do such a thing!"

Ye Xuan smiled.

He shrugged and said with a smile: "Did I name someone who said it was you?

"Are you a little too sensitive?"

Then his face suddenly sank.

Continue: "'re already guilty?

Husband gritted his teeth.

Ye Xuan was clearly trying to figure him out.

Now a fool can see that there is something wrong with him.

But he still said firmly: "Who would believe your nonsense.

"If you have the ability, come up with evidence!"

"If not, shut your mouth!"

"It is against the law to spread rumors!

Ye Xuan nodded 0..

I think what he said makes sense.

"Indeed, it is against the law to spread rumors.35

"But who told you that I have no evidence?"

"But the evidence is not in a hurry.

"I want to ask you first.

"Aren't you tired since you've acted since the beginning?"

"You are a college student of economics, have you wasted such a good acting talent?"

These words are undoubtedly another blockbuster.

It exploded directly in the live broadcast room.

The sailors were stunned.

Could it be that there is something else that can't be reversed?

The husband pretended not to understand.

Angrily: "What are you talking about.

"I found out why you are always talking nonsense. 95

"What am I doing?"

"It is clear that this woman is unfilial first and cheating later. 35

"Then don't confuse black and white here!"

"Do you really think that with just a few words of yours, you can turn a round into a square?"

Another bad guy.

That is to see the coffin without tears.

Ye Xuan's tolerance for such people is actually limited to 4.9.

Having said all that has to be said.

He still decided to die.

Then Ye Xuan had no choice but to speak with facts.

So he opened his mouth and said to Zhang Jiajia: "Being able to persist in various conspiracies for so long. 995

"It's really not easy for you."

"But I still want to say that your talent in learning is really not shown in life."

"By now, you probably don't know.

"The reason why your mother-in-law dares to treat you like this all the time.

"Is there someone behind her who pampers her?"

Zhang Jiajia seemed to understand something.

Immediately, she looked at her overwhelmed husband...

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