Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

301: Beautiful is never the original sin of deception

301: Beautiful is never the original sin of deception

"Sister, take a look, this is a good thing. 99

"Didn't you say you don't want that granddaughter?

"Just give her this drink, and make sure she disappears silently.

Look at the milk powder jar in front of you.

The mother-in-law showed a chilling smile.

Immediately said: "Are you sure you will be silent?

"Don't find out about me.

"I can tell you, if I'm unlucky, you won't be able to run away."

The fat woman smiled.

Then he said: "I've been in this business for many years. 35

"Eldest sister, don't worry, it is absolutely foolproof!"

Listen to the conversation between the two.

The water friends in the live broadcast room only felt that their worldview was about to collapse.

Originally, the mother-in-law was cruel enough to treat Zhang Jiajia.

She actually dressed her in a dead man's clothes.

Unexpectedly, the more ruthless is still behind.

Let's not talk about Zhang Jiajia, the daughter-in-law who has nothing to do with it fundamentally.

Her granddaughter is her son's own flesh and blood!

She actually planned to poison her silently?

"Damn it! Isn't this old woman too vicious? Anyway, the child is innocent!"5

"What the hell is that fat woman doing, how can she get so many messes."

"I've seen many wicked people, but this is the first time I've seen such wicked people."

"f*ck, it's true that there are people doing all kinds of business, aren't you afraid of going to hell after death?"

"People like them are worse than ghosts, what hell are they afraid of?"

"This is so cruel, even my granddaughter will be killed..."

Many sailors were terrified.

It was because of what the mother-in-law did, which was beyond their imagination.

The Internet is so developed now.

The topic of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also enduring.

They have seen too many evil mother-in-laws.

But it's the first time I've seen such a ruthless man.

And thankfully.

Zhang Jiajia and her daughter are now safe and sound.

Otherwise, it would definitely be a human tragedy.

With what the mother-in-law did was exposed by Ye Xuan.

Her expression also darkened.

Her husband looked at her in disbelief.

He murmured, "Mom, is this all true?"

The mother-in-law reacted immediately and quickly put on a look of grievance.

"how is this possible!"

"How could I do such a thing?"

"Zhang Jiajia, I treat you with kindness.

"Is that how you slander me?

Hear this.

Zhang Jiajia laughed.

His eyes swept back and forth from his mother-in-law and husband.

He opened his mouth and said, "It's really a mother and daughter.

"Even the method of sophistry is the same.

"I think you should be curious too.

"Why didn't your conspiracy succeed?

"I tell you.

"I have already burned all the clothes you sent me."

"And the milk powder you sent, although I didn't plan to give it to my daughter.

“But I still found a special place to check it out.

"There is an excess of chemicals in it. 55

"Unconsciously? I tell you!"

"Just drink that thing once, let alone children, adults will die!

Hear these words.

The mother-in-law took two steps back in fright.

The fat woman had promised her that she would never be found out.

But if Zhang Jiajia really gave her granddaughter that milk powder.

Her purpose is attainable.

But the problem is that the rest of her life is estimated to be spent in prison.

Zhang Jiajia looked at her husband.

The man she once trusted the most, now looks terrifying.

0.. ask for flowers ·


Not to mention that he used a conspiracy to forcibly stay behind and ruined most of his life.

He just kept defending his mother and didn't say a word for himself.

Zhang Jiajia had already completely despaired of him.

And all the things my mother-in-law did have been exposed.

But she still said to her son: "Son, I know! 39

"This woman must want to divorce you.

"The reason why so many things are made up is to divide the family property!

"She must be someone out there!"

As soon as the words came out.

The water friends called this old woman shameless.

The husband also frowned and looked at Zhang Jiajia.

"No wonder if I say a few words to you, you will divorce me directly."

"Okay Zhang Jiajia, I didn't believe that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful it is."

"But now it seems that I am too naive. 99

"It turns out that you are a feisty woman inside you!

"Tell me, which wild man are you with!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhang Jiajia's expression became very exciting.

She has been detached from the feeling of disappointment and grievance.

Because she suddenly felt.

There seems to be nothing to regret about this relationship.

Just being a little stupid.

Just before my husband called me to question him today.

She was still thinking about how to reunite with her husband.

The husband said he was naive.

But it turned out that it was her who was naive.

The husband saw Zhang Jiajia and did not speak.

As if thinking of something.

He immediately pointed at Ye Xuan and said, "I understand.

"Is that the man you were looking for outside?

"No wonder he talks to you like that."

"You dog man and woman!" Van.

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